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tanrılar ve devletler bizden nefret etsin sevgilim. biz öyle ayıp, biz öyle ahlak dışı, biz öyle iki kedi.
"Onu yanında tutabilmek için o güzel kafasının içinde yüzen her türlü güvensizlikle mücadele edecekti."
352 syf.
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Sen Benimsin
Sen BenimsinTessa Bailey
6.9/10 · 164 okunma

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
"Artık yarından ötesini göremiyorum ve bu hiç de iyi bir şey değil."
"I’m tired of letting fear rule my life. I’m terrified of loving you. I’m terrified of what would happen if I let myself love you and then lost you. But I’m more terrified of living my life without your love than I am of taking a chance. I love you more than the total of all my fears put together.”
“Our fears are temporary—they come and go throughout life. But regret is permanent—we carry it with us forever. If you go and it doesn’t turn out the way you wanted it to, you’ll be sad, but you’ll be able to move on knowing you tried."
"To truly overcome any fear, you had to be, at least on some level, willing to die for what was on the other side."
"Love is everything. It matters more than fear, more than death. It transcends time."
“It’s seriously like I just don’t care about anything anymore, like I don’t care if I live or die.”
"God, had I really been fearless once? Because I couldn’t remember a time when I lived without fear."
"Sometimes we need to stop living in the past to allow ourselves to be happy.”
“It will never be perfect. It will never not be scary. So if you’re waiting for this to not feel terrifying, it never will. There will be hard times. But there will be amazing ones, too. You have to decide whether we’re worth the hardships. In the end, it’s going to come down to one thing: whether love is enough.”
“We all have light and dark inside us, love. We try to hide the darkness from others because we’re afraid it will scare them away. But your dark doesn’t scare me. It only makes me want to hold your hand and be your light until you can find your own again. That’s what people do when they’re in love. I won’t always be able to give you your light back, because sometimes you need to find that within yourself, but I’ll stand by your side and hold your hand in the dark so things aren’t so scary.”
"There are just times in life when love isn’t enough, and being strong means being able to see that and making a decision that hurts."
"Neither the past nor the future is real. Only the present exists."
"If you stay in the present moment and not go where your mind is trying to lead you, then you will always be safe."
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