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Stage 1

Alice in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll

Alice in Wonderland Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Alice in Wonderland sözleri ve alıntılarını, Alice in Wonderland kitap alıntılarını, Alice in Wonderland en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
'' What makes the world go round is love, ... '' '' Dünyayı döndüren şey sevgidir, ... ''
MK PUBLICATIONS , Fifth Edition - November 2023Kitabı okudu
"Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves."'
Sayfa 61
"And she began thinking over all the children she knew that were of the same age as herself, to see if she could have been changed for any of them."
Sayfa 11
"... and the White Rabbit was still in sight, hurrying down it. There was not a moment to be lost: away went Alice like the wind,..."
Sayfa 5
"... so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well."
Sayfa 4
"On various pretexts they all moved off, and Alice was soon left alone."
Sayfa 21
"The Rabbit started violently, dropped the white kid gloves and the fan, and skurried away into the darkness as hard as he could go."
Sayfa 11
"“Come, there's no use in crying like that!” said Alice to herself,"
Sayfa 8
"'Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it.'
Sayfa 60
"'Get to your places!' shouted the Queen in a voice of thunder, and people began running about in all directions, ..."
Sayfa 57
"'It's--it's a very fine day!' said a timid voice at her side. She was walking by the White Rabbit, who was peeping anxiously into her face."
Sayfa 56
"'I don't quite understand you,' she said, as politely as she could."
Sayfa 48
"'What a funny watch!' she remarked. 'It tells the day of the month, and doesn't tell what o'clock it is!'
Sayfa 48
... “and I wish you wouldn't keep appearing and vanishing so suddenly: you make one quite giddy.”
Sayfa 45
"The poor little thing sobbed again (or grunted, it was impossible to say which), and they went on for some while in silence."
Sayfa 43
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