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Art of Loving

Erich Fromm

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En büyük pişmanlıklardan biri de kıymet bilmeyen birisi için göze aldığın fedakarlıktır.
It is hardly necessary to stress the fact that the ability to love as an act of giving depends on the character development of the person. It presupposes the attainment of a predominantly productive orientation; in this orientation the person has overcome dependency, narcissistic omnipotence, the wish to exploit others, or to hoard, and has acquired faith in his own human powers, courage to rely on his powers in the attainment of his goals... certain basic elements, common to all forms of love. These are care, responsibility, respect and knowledge.
Die beiden Menschen lernen einander immer besser kennen, und dabei verliert ihre Vertrautheit immer mehr den geheimnisvollen Charakter, bis ihr Streit, ihre Enttauschungen, ihre gegenseitige Langeweile die anfangliche Begeisterung getötet haben.
Modern man thinks he loses something - time - when he does not do things quickly. Yet he does not know what to do with the time he gains, except kill it. Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving
Birini sevmek sadece güçlü bir duygu değildir - bu bir karardır, bu bir hükümdür, bu bir sözdür.
Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, when my act does not involve judgment and decision
Unconditional love corresponds to one of the deepest longings.
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