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Andy Weir

Artemis Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Artemis sözleri ve alıntılarını, Artemis kitap alıntılarını, Artemis en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Arabam söz dinlemeyecek kadar kalın kafalıydı ama ağır şeyleri taşımada üstüne yoktu. O yüzden onun bir erkek olduğuna karar verdim. Adını da Tetik koydum.
Sayfa 23
Burada mağazalar ürünlerine etiket koymazlar. Sormak zorundaysanız, zaten paranız yetmiyordur.
Sayfa 18
Her zaman ne ekerseniz, onu alırsınız !!!
İnsanlar üç kağıtçı bir iş adamından ziyade sözünden dönmeyen bir suçluya daha kolay güvenirlerdi.
Sayfa 55
Aldrin is the closest bubble to the landing zone. Wouldn’t want rich people dirtying themselves by traveling through impoverished areas, right? Bring them straight into the pretty part.
I live in Artemis, the first (and so far, only) city on the moon.
Ay’da büyüdüysen, karanlık tarafının olması kaçınılmaz.
The moon is a nice place to pass out. You hit the ground very gently.
I sobbed into my knees. Quietly. That’s another skill I learned back in the day: how to cry without making too much noise. Wouldn’t want anyone in the hall to hear me.
New York has Fifth Avenue, London has Bond Street, and Artemis has the Arcade. The stores don’t bother to list prices. If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.
Nakoshi picked up his Gizmo, checked the confirmation page, and nodded with approval. He stamped the box. “What’s in there, anyway?” “Porn, mostly. Starring your mom.”
“Okay, maybe it’s not so crazy after all. But I don’t have money to invest right now….” “Oh, I’m not looking for investors. I need someone to test it.” “And you think I’ve got the dick for the job?”
He pulled a rock from his pocket. Wasn’t much to look at—just a gray, jagged lump like all the other lunar rocks I’d ever seen. He tossed it toward me. “Here. Have some anorthite.” “Yay, a rock.” I plucked it out of the air as it approached. “Thanks.”
I woke up the next morning with cramped legs and a sore back. That’s the thing about crying yourself to sleep. When you wake up, the problems are still there.
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