Fire Force #2

Fire Force, Vol. 2

Atsushi Ōkubo

Yorumlar ve İncelemeler

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208 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%78/100) It was much better than the previous volume but I now realized a problem with pacing. The Introduction Arc ends and immediately the next short arc starts in this volume. We learn more about the members of the 8th. We are also introduced to a character named Joker and he is by far one of my favorites in the whole series. I've always liked trickster type characters and I think Joker's design and character are great. In general, I am really fond of the art style. Overall, it was a good volume and I am curious to see what happens next.
Fire Force, Vol. 2
Fire Force, Vol. 2Atsushi Ōkubo · Kodansha Comics · 201724 okunma
200 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Acemilerin yarışına gelen gizemli adam bir şeyler biliyordur. Alev gücü ekipleri arasında güven yoktur ve bu güvensizlik bir savaşa neden olur. Bu cilt aksiyonu bol bir ciltti. Seri güzel gidiyor.
Alev Gücü Cilt 2
Alev Gücü Cilt 2Atsushi Ōkubo · Akılçelen Kitaplar · 202224 okunma