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Gangster Gönderileri

Gangster kitaplarını, Gangster sözleri ve alıntılarını, Gangster yazarlarını, Gangster yorumları ve incelemelerini 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
The most dangerous gangster is the one willing to kill what he loves the most, and there was none as dangerous as Angelo. He had no other choice. It was the only way he knew how to live.
A true gangster can smell out a person's strengths and weaknesses in a matter of minutes, but what they can sense most of all, what their bodies are most attuned to, is the scent of fear.
MOST GANGSTERS NEVER live long enough to see retirement or prison, and if they're lucky, they don't see the bullets that seal their early doom. But the ones who were smarter and more brutal were often the ones to live long enough to see the late-day sun.
He was a stone-hearted killer quick to eliminate any enemy who presented the slightest threat to his empire. He was Angelo Vestieri. A gangster.
Angelo never prayed, choosing not to believe in a God cruel enough to allow death to come to a young bride and her unborn child.
Sometimes words can inflict more pain than any bullet.
Pudge was more the pure gangster. He functioned on gut and instincts, reacting quickly to a slight, knowing that any hesitation could cost him his life and that no matter how strong the shield around him there would always be someone, somewhere, willing to pull a trigger against him.
A GANGSTER MUST always be prepared to kill a friend. It is one of the many open secrets of the business, since it is the truest test of his ability to rule and command the respect of his crew. To eliminate a sworn enemy requires little more than opportunity, luck and the willingness to pull a trigger. But to end the life of someone once considered close, regardless of any previous betrayal, requires a determination that few men possess.
Angus had once told him that the price of a betrayal was too steep for most men. It had to be lived with every single day of their lives and few could handle such a burden.
Killing people comes too easy to us and that scares me a little. And that what I do doesn't bother me after it's all over scares me even more.
He was a man totally in the moment, who knew only to respond to an action with an action. He was pure gangster.
GANGSTERS USE THE months or years between gang wars to prepare for the next big battle to come. In their business the only way to further a career or strengthen a position is through death. Gang bosses decide to wage a fight for any number of reasons--the love of another mobster's wife, the desire to take over a rival's turf, the need for more money for their crew, anger over a perceived insult. The reasons usually are slight, providing scant cover for a visible greed. Like many executives in the corporate world, a gangster is consumed with an insatiable desire to possess what belongs to someone else.
GANGSTERS LIVE FOR the action. The closer to death, the nearer to the heated coil of the moment, the more alive they feel. Most would rather succumb to a barrage of bullets from a roomful of sworn enemies than to the debilitation of old age, dying the death of the feeble.
GANGSTERS ALL THIRST for power and will do all they can to achieve and keep it. That is their real code, the only one they truly adhere to. Loyalty, faith, friendship are all tools used to keep control of the power. The need to grasp at the power is planted in them during their childhood years when, surrounded by poverty, they seek out the one who has risen above it all.
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