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The Secret of Human Thought Revealed

How to Create a Mind

Ray Kurzweil

How to Create a Mind Gönderileri

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Dinosaurs Talking :)
The picture's pretty bleak, gentlemen... The world's climates are changing, the mammals are taking over, and we all have a brain about the size of a walnut. [ Dinosaurs talking, in The Far Side by Gary Larson ]
Sayfa 277Kitabı okudu
Each of the two hemispheres in the splint-brain patient has its own consciousness. The hemispheres appear not to be aware that their body is effectively controlled by two brains, because they learn to coordinate with each other, and their decisions are sufficiently aligned and consistent that each thinks that the decisions of the other are it's own. ... Each one could be fooled into thinking it has made all the decisions, because they would all be close enough to what each would have decided on it's own, and after all, it does have a lot of influence on each decision. So to each of the two minds it would seem as if it were in control. ... The experiments show that each hemisphere is acting as an independent brain.
Sayfa 227Kitabı okudu
Before brains there was no colour or sound in the universe, nor was any flavour or aroma and probably little sense and no feeling or emotion [ Roger W. Sorry ]
Sayfa 218Kitabı okudu
If all the AI systems decided to go on strike tomorrow, our civilisation would be crippled: We couldn't get money from our bank, and indeed, our money would disappear; communication, transportation, and manufacturing would all grind to a halt. Fortunately, our intelligent machines are not yet intelligent enough to organize such a conspiracy.
Sayfa 158Kitabı okudu
I believe that at the end of century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicting. [ Alan Turing ]
Sayfa 121Kitabı okudu
The fetus is having experiences, and the neocortex is learning. S/he can hear sounds, especially her/his mother's heartbeat, which is one likely reason that the rhythmic qualities of music are universal to human culture.
Each of us lives within the universe -the prison- of his own brain. [Vernon Mountcastle]
Each of us lives within the universe -the prison- of his own brain. Projecting from it are millions of fragile sensory nerve fibers, in groups uniquely adapted to sample the energetic states of the world around us: heat, light, force, and chemical composition. That is all we ever know of it directly; all else is logical inference. [ Vernon Mountcastle ]
We can often recognise a pattern even though we don't recognise it well enough to be able to describe it.
If we have told a particular story many times we will begin to actually learn the sequence of language that describes the story as a series ofseparate sequences. Even in this case our memory is not a strict of words, but rather of language structures that we need to translate into specific word sequences each time we deliver the story. That's why we tell a story a bit differently each time we share it (unless we learn the exact word sequence as a pattern).
Our conscious experience of our perceptions is actually changed by our interpretations.
There are no images, videos, or sound recordings stored in the brain. Our memories are stored as sequences of patterns. Memories that are not accessed dim over time.
"What seems astonishing is that a mere three-pound object, made of the same atoms that constitute everything else under the sun, is capable of directing virtually everything that humans have done: flying to the moon and hitting seventy home runs, writing hamlet and building the Taj Mahal - even unlocking the secrets of the brain itself." [ Joel Havemann ]
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