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Introducing To Sociology

Nadir Suğur

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According to Turkish respondents, 74 percent do not report assault or threats against them, while 90 percent do not report serious harassment.
Sayfa 235Kitabı okudu
Anomie: The anomie that Durkheim has described refers to a state of normlessness and irregularity that arises in periods of social changes and irregularities, in the event that the social order deteriorates or fails to operate. In this case, people become more aggressive and depressed, resulting in an increase in violence, crime and suicide rates. Anomie is related to a social situation, not to a personal state of mind. It is caused by the tension between individual interests and collective cultural conscious.
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Religious suffering is at the same time an expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The [Aufhebung] of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusions of their condition is a demand to give up a condition that requires illusion. The criticism of religion is therefore the germ of the criticism of the valley of tears whose halo is religion. Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers from the chains not so that man may throw away the chains without any imagination or comfort, but so that he may throw away the chains and pluck living flowers. The criticism of religion disillusions man so that he may think, act, and fashion his own reality as a disillusioned man comes to his sense; so that he may revolve around himself as his real sun. Religion is only the illusory sun which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself (1977:64). Source: Marx , K. ( 1977 ) [ 1844 ] Towards a critique of Hegel’s philosophy of right, in D. McLellan (ed.), Karl Marx: Selected Writings, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 63 – 74.
Sayfa 185Kitabı okudu
Marxist feminists argue that women absorb the anger that would otherwise be directed at employers and capitalism. The exploitation of men at work makes women suffer, for instance, from domestic violence.
Sayfa 150Kitabı okudu
Glocalization is sometimes reported to be a reaction to globalization, or a reinforcement of cultural identity at the local community level’. Robertson sees ‘glocalization’ as an interpenetration of the global and the local. But the way the concept is generally applied relates to marketing a product produced by a multinational corporation by appealing to local cultural cues. So McDonald’s sells no pork in Saudi Arabia, teriyaki McBurger in Japan, and Curry Pie in Hong Kong.
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Grobalization is a combination of the words ‘growth’ and ‘globalization.’ Grobalization implies the imperialistic goals, desires, and needs of big businesses or companies (e.g. McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Wal-Mart, Disney and Hollywood) or even entire nations to settle in diverse areas of the world so that their supremacy and impact can grow. Ritzer uses the term ‘grobaliation’ — rather than globaliation — because it explicitly refers to the ‘growth imperatives of organiations and nations to expand globally and to impose themselves on the local’.
Sayfa 127Kitabı okudu
It is thought that the traditions date back to very old times, and that they have remained unchanged since ancient times. However, research has revealed that many traditions that people assume to have been there for long periods of time, in fact, have not existed until relatively recently and were invented a short time ago. In 1983, Eric Hobsbawn pointed out that national and public traditions generally had a short history with a few decades, and that their content may have undergone significant changes (Marshall, 2003: 258-259; Journet, 2009: 254).
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Cosmopolitan: The term cosmopolitan is a combination of the Greek words cosmos (universe) and the police (city). It is a place that holds people from various nations, and/or someone who has multiple roots, and accepts not just one, but all of them.
Sayfa 123Kitabı okudu
Cultural Lag: This term belongs to William Ogburn (1886-1959). Ogburn wanted to draw attention to the incompatibility that arises in the process of change in the reciprocal relationship of the material and spiritual cultures in a social system. According to him, there forms a gap when the changes in material culture are followed with a certain delay by spiritual culture (law, custom, tradition, social mentality, etc.) (Bostancı, 2003: 116). Especially the changes in the technology dimension of material culture enable the cultural lag to be seen strikingly. It is also an example of cultural lag when people who did not own mobile phones until recently talk on the phone in a way that annoys people in their surroundings after receiving a mobile phone.
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Meaning and norm systems of culture are often not neutral between conflicting interests and goals. Culture creates and legitimizes a certain social order and thus benefits some groups more than others. For example, while a patriarchal culture provides much more benefit for men, it generally tries to legitimize the order against women.
Sayfa 122Kitabı okudu
The Social Research Institute, founded at the University of Frankfurt in 1923, is known as the Frankfurt School, in short, in the social science literature. The Frankfurt School is also commonly referred to as Critical Theory. Especially, the analyses of Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969), Max Horkheimer (1895-1973), Walter Benjamin (1892-1940), Leo
Sayfa 119Kitabı okudu
As a materialistic theorist, Marx has argued that financial situation and economic activities shape human consciousness. Marx noted that not only religious ideas, but also all cultural ideas are a reflection of the material production system and thus serve the interests of the dominant class. Culture in stratified societies acts as a kind of dominant ideology. As an important part of society’s superstructure, culture is determined by the infrastructure, that is, the economic base. In other words, the dominant capitalist class, which owns the means of production, uses economic power to shape the culture of the society. Thus, culture reflects the interests of the capitalist class, reproduces its views, and serves to legitimize their authority. Culture is simply the expression of a distorted view of the world created by the dominant class and reveals a distorted sense of reality.
Sayfa 118Kitabı okudu
There are 4 main approaches in sociology covering politics. First one is functionalist approach, second is pluralist approach, third is elite theory, and fourth is Marxist-conflict theory. In functionalist approach, society is evaluated in terms of basic needs. The state has emerged as a necessity within the society. These needs are: 1.
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Neoliberalism formed part of a larger, new right ideological project that sought to fuse laissez-faire economics with an essentially conservative social philosophy. Neoliberalism amounts to a form of market fundamentalism. The market is seen to be morally and practically superior to government and any form of political control.
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Liberalism is an ideology emerged in needs of bourgeoisie against the hegemony of dominant classes of feudalism which are aristocracy and monarchy.
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