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Kutay Harmanlı was a young man who lost his belief that he could be loved by anyone throughout his life. Contrary to his cold, rebellious and combative appearance, there was a child inside him who was resentful of life because he was not loved, and one night, with a notification that suddenly appeared on his computer screen, he encountered a love he had never seen anywhere before. The owner of this notification, which came to her blog account where she shared her posts secretly from everyone, was none other than the only person who knew the identity of Kibrit, which she hid from people, and a dreamer who was madly in love with her: Butt. While Kutay fell asleep that night, ignoring that notification, he didn't know that one day he would lose sleep for him. He didn't know that he would resort to sleeping pills to see her in his dreams. While İzmarit collected the cigarette butts that Kibrit smoked and kept them in a box, he thought that he could also hide the breaths stolen from him. He hoped that he could save himself from the cycle he fell into at the age of six and this time he could write his own ending. But there was one last page of life that had never happened before for these two broken people. “Love… In my opinion, it is madness. "A person has to be crazy to love another person." *The books do not contain any guidance regarding the use of tobacco products.
Estimated Reading Time: 12 hrs. 14 min.Page Number: 432Publication Date: December 2023Publisher: Ephesus Yayınları
ISBN: 9786256476431Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Ciltli

Book Statistics

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Kadın% 97.9
Erkek% 2.1
0-12 Yaş
13-17 Yaş
18-24 Yaş
25-34 Yaş
35-44 Yaş
45-54 Yaş
55-64 Yaş
65+ Yaş