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One Day Gönderileri

One Day kitaplarını, One Day sözleri ve alıntılarını, One Day yazarlarını, One Day yorumları ve incelemelerini 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Love and be loved if at all possible.
One Day Dizisi ve Filmini İnceleme - Karşılaştırma
Enes Malik Bayraktar ve Tugay Kaban Netflix'in yeni dizisi One Day hakkında bir inceleme gerçekleştiriyorlar. İyi seyirler. İzlemek için: youtu.be/uWbPYQGj9Wk
One Day
One Day
He wanted to live life to the extreme, but without any mess or complications.
'Dex, I don't understand students these days,' she said. 'They don't care about anything, do they? When I was a student, we protested about things like this.'
'You're a stupid, stupid woman,' she told herself. 'You're stupid for thinking that he really cared about you.'
And then Dexter said the wrong thing. 'Of course, it isn't personal. I want nearly every woman that I meet,' he added. 'That's my problem. I can't escape it. It's like a nightmare!'
He often thought that Emma Morley was the best person he'd ever known. But he'd never really told her that. And he didn't tell her that now. For some reason, he couldn't make himself tell her that.
Emma decided that this was all their friendship was ever going to be.
'The important thing in life is to make a difference - to make a change to something,' the girl said.
Ona bakmadan edemiyorum. Aramızda müthiş bir çekim var sanki...
“Sana uzaktan vurgundum. Çok saçma biliyorum.” “Anlatmaya devam et sonra noldu?” “Seni tanıdım. Beni senden kurtardın.”
1.500 öğeden 1 ile 15 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.