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Record of Ragnarök #2

Takumi Fukui

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174 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
4/5 Stars (%82/100) This volume is definitely better than the previous one. The fight between Lu Bu and Thor comes to an end at the beginning of this book. The second fight is between Adam, yes that Adam from Christianity, and Zeus. First of all, the first fight was really good even though I did not know a lot of things about Lu Bu. However, since Norse mythology is my favourite, I loved the changes made to Thor and the myths about him. The second fight starts out great and I love Adam's character and design. Zeus pisses me off but he is actually very close to his self in Greek Mythology. Since I watched the anime, I know what happens next but I'm still curious because the manga is much more detailed.
Record of Ragnarök #2
Record of Ragnarök #2Takumi Fukui · ノース・スターズ・ピクチャーズ · 201816 okunma
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