The Blind Watchmaker

Richard Dawkins
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Acclaimed as the most influential work on evolution written in the last hundred years, The Blind Watchmaker offers an inspiring and accessible introduction to one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time. A brilliant and controversial book which demonstrates that evolution by natural selection - the unconscious, automatic, blind yet essentially non-random process discovered by Darwin - is the only answer to the biggest question of all: why do we exist?
Tahmini Okuma Süresi: 10 sa. 26 dk.Sayfa Sayısı: 368Basım Tarihi: 25 Nisan 2006İlk Yayın Tarihi: 1 Ocak 1986Yayınevi: Penguin
ISBN: 9780141026169Dil: İngilizceFormat: E-kitap

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The Blind Watchmaker
The Blind WatchmakerRichard Dawkins · Penguin · 20062 okunma
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