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Oxford World's Classics

The Library of Greek Mythology

Robin Hard

The Library of Greek Mythology Gönderileri

The Library of Greek Mythology kitaplarını, The Library of Greek Mythology sözleri ve alıntılarını, The Library of Greek Mythology yazarlarını, The Library of Greek Mythology yorumları ve incelemelerini 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
The material in the Library is drawn from a wide variety of sources, whether original poetic sources, from early epic to the learned compositions of the early Hellenistic poets, or mythographical compilations which offered prose summaries of mythological tales.
Oxford World's Classics
It may seem surprising that this unpretentious handbook should have survived when the most important works of the ancient mythographers have been lost. Fortune, of course, plays a large part in such matters; all surviving manuscripts of the Library derive from a single archetype.
The Library of Apollodorus is a concise but comprehensive guide to Greek mythology. It covers the full span of mythical history from the origins of the universe and the gods to the Trojan War and its aftermath, and between these limits it tells the story of each of the great families of heroic mythology, and of the various adventures associated with the main heroes and heroines.