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Time Is A Mother

Ocean Vuong

Time Is A Mother Gönderileri

Time Is A Mother kitaplarını, Time Is A Mother sözleri ve alıntılarını, Time Is A Mother yazarlarını, Time Is A Mother yorumları ve incelemelerini 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
- Roland Barthes
"I have known the body of my mother, sick and then dying."
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"And I believe you. I shouldn't, but I do."
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"What's the point of writing if you're just gonna force a bunch of ants to cross a white desert?"
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"Finally, after years, I'm now a professional loser."
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"Now I'm a beautiful short loser dancing in the green."
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"Together we made an angel It looked like something being destroyed in a blizzard I haven't killed a thing since"
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"Another country burning on TV What we'll always have is something we lost"
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my people my people I thought the fall would kill me but it only made me real
(…)I was a murderer of my childhood. & like all murderers, my god was stillness. My god, he was still there. Like something prayed for by a man with no mouth.
“Forgive me, Lord: I’ve died so little!”
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