Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
...try keeping an engineering daybook. Use paper, not a file or a wiki: there’s something special about the act of writing compared to typing. Give it a month, and see if you’re getting any benefits. If nothing else, it’ll make writing your memoir easier when you’re rich and famous.
The amount of surprise you feel when something goes wrong is proportional to the amount of trust and faith you have in the code being run. That’s why, when faced with a “surprising’’ failure, you must accept that one or more of your assumptions is wrong. Don’t gloss over a routine or piece of code involved in the bug because you “know” it works. Prove it. Prove it in this context, with this data, with these boundary conditions.
Sayfa 96
The less romantic will do their modeling on a computer screen or in virtual reality, reducing costs even further. In this way, risky or uncertain elements can be tried out without committing to building the real item. We build software prototypes in the same fashion, and for the same reasons—to analyze and expose risk, and to offer chances for correction at a greatly reduced cost. Like the car makers, we can target a prototype to test one or more specific aspects of a project.
Siz siz olun asla bir developer a bulaşmayın.
Bir oyun geliştiricisinin canını sıkmak isterseniz tek yap­manız gereken hangi meslekte çalıştığını öğrenir öğrenmez ona bütün gün oyun oynamanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu sormaktır.
We all know it is best to give responsibilities to the most qualified persons. We often forget that it is also best to postpone decisions until the last possible moment. This isn't lazy or irresponsible; it lets us make informed choices with the best possible information. A premature decision is a decision made with suboptimal knowledge. We will have that much less customer feedback, mental reflection on the project, and experience with our implementation choices if we decide too soon.
printf içinde şartlı operatör
It is not necessary that the conditional operator be used on the right-hand side of an assignment—it can be used in any situation in which an expression could be used. This means that you could display the sign of the variable number, without first assigning it to a variable, using a printf statement as shown: printf ("Sign = %i\n", ( number < 0 ) ? –1 : ( number == 0 ) ? 0 : 1);
şartlı operatörle else if yaratmak
sign = ( number < 0 ) ? -1 : (( number == 0 ) ? 0 : 1); If number is less than zero, sign is assigned the value –1; else if number is equal to zero, sign is assigned the value 0; else it is assigned the value 1.The parentheses around the “else” part of the preceding expression are actually unnecessary.This is because the conditional operator associates from right to left, meaning that multiple uses of this operator in a single expression, such as in e1 ? e2 : e3 ? e4 : e5 group from right to left and, therefore, are evaluated as e1 ? e2 : ( e3 ? e4 : e5 )
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