Allahım lütfen Lil Peep,Rei6,Bring me The Horizon,Cigarette After Sex,Fleurie,Dktt,Son Feci Bisiklet,Billie Eilish,Lil Happy Lil Sad,Nf,Lil Dia,Teoman,No1,Kendimden Hallice dinleyen biri çıksın karşıma bu yıl
Lil Peep - let me bleed
Let me bleed, watch me die I got golden teeth, she got bright green eyes She's my fantasy, she only comes at night She don't know about me
Lil Peep ~ Broken Smile
Anlık mood gotta go right now that's all Nothing to it don't expect no call Y'all been plotting on me, praying I fall I been working, I been giving my all I gotta go right now that's all Nothing to it don't expect no call Y'all been plotting on me, praying I fall I been working, I been giving my all She was the one
Ehehehe. :)
He watches as you look at him, your eyelashes fluttering and leaving wet trails from your saliva on his fingers. “You…” He looks down at his finger, a feral gleam in his eyes. “You have no idea…how much I’ve been holding myself back..” she chuckles under her breath mockingly "And you have no idea how much I held myself back from kicking you." He chuckles lowly in response. “Keep talking back to me like that…and I’ll give you a reason to scream.” He whispers, his other hand sliding from your waist to grip your chin so you’re look up at him.
eat pray love
You choose me over and over and over🤍 I’ll also keep choosing you…
Sahip olmak ya da olmak 3
Sahip olmak" şeylere, nesnelere ilişkindir ve bunları görüp, tutmak ve de tanımlamak kolaydır. "Olmak" ise, yaşantılara ve bazı içsel süreçlere dayandığı için, dile gelmesi, tanımlanması- zor ve hatta imkânsızdır. Kişilik dediğimiz, dışa vuran yanları- mızı, yani taşıdığımız maskeleri tanımlamak mümkündür. Çün- kü bu, dışlaşmış bir
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