Mert Öncel

168 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%77/100) Overall, I really liked it. However, I now realize that there are lots of differences between the show and comics, especially in this volume. For instance, the story of Robot (and Maulers) happens much later in the comics. Similarly, the things regarding Anissa and Allen have not happened yet. Some parts with Angstrom Levy was better in the show, especially the travels between the dimensions. I can see that they really made an effort with Season 2. That does not mean that the comics is bad, quite the opposite actually. I'm curious about the following volume.
Invincible Vol. 7
Invincible Vol. 7Robert Kirkman · Image Comics · 20061 okunma
168 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
4/5 Stars (%80/100) This was my favorite volume so far. Almost all of the book focuses on the events of the Thraxans. It was nice to see that the TV show was very very faithful to the source material. Seeing Mark grow as a person and superhero is nice and I find Viltrumites interesting. Of course, the problems do not end for Mark and whenever he gets stronger, he comes across another obstacle. I believe volume 7 or 8 will wrap up the events of Season 2. Can't wait!
Invincible, Vol.6
Invincible, Vol.6Robert Kirkman · Image Comics · 20061 okunma
176 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%74/100) Not awesome but it was definitely better than volume 4 which felt like a filler. This volume also has 6 chapters and we learn more about the world of Invincible. There are some revelations about Eve, Mark, Amber, Allen and so forth. At the background, Angstrom Levy continues his work with the twins. Everyone has problems in their own lives and it is good to see a world that is full of life, it feels very real. The ending was also good. I want to see the events of Season 2 in the comics.
Invincible, Vol.5
Invincible, Vol.5Robert Kirkman · Image Comics · 20051 okunma

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
130 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
3/5 Stars (%62/100) As others have pointed out, this volume feels like a filler before some major events. It focuses on Mark's daily life as he tries to deal with college and superhero life. Also, everyone is trying to recover from the chaos and pain caused by Omni-Man. This volume was longer than the previous ones with 6 chapters but as I've said nothing much happens. Angstrom Levy is introduced though. I also observed that there are more differences with the show in this volume, especially the order of things. I'm expecting something big to happen in the next volume.
Invincible, Vol. 4: Head of the Class
Invincible, Vol. 4: Head of the ClassRobert Kirkman · Image Comics Published · 20051 okunma
144 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%78/100) This is the turning point in the series (in Mark's life as well of course). I was shocked about all these when I was watching the show. So, this is the best volume so far and I'm sure it will be even better. Also, seeing my boy Allen again was great. Learning about Viltrum Empire, Omni-man, the Guardians and Mark was nice. I'm really enjoying reading the comics, it's nice to see the differences and similarities with the TV show.
Invincible, Vol. 3: Perfect Strangers
Invincible, Vol. 3: Perfect StrangersRobert Kirkman · Image Comics · 20211 okunma
130 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%73/100) This one was definitely better than the previous volume. I especially liked chapters 3 and 4. We learn more about Omni-Man and the Guardians of the Globe. Mark is also getting better at being a superhero. I also like that the book focuses on other characters as well. It is not just about Mark beating everyone and calling it a day. For now, I can say that the show was a bit more detailed in some scenes (you know which one). Still, they are pretty similar. I'm curious about the following volume.
Invincible, Vol. 2: Eight Is Enough
Invincible, Vol. 2: Eight Is EnoughRobert Kirkman · Image Comics Published · 20031 okunma
120 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
3 saatte okudu
3/5 Stars (%65/100) After watching 2 seasons of the show, I decided to read the comics before Season 3 comes (in like 8 years or something). There are 4 chapters in this volume and though I liked it, it was not extraordinary (at least for now). But I know it'll be much better in a few volumes. As far as I've seen the show was pretty faithful to the source material. I'm curious to see the differences between the two. Overall, it is a nice beginning to an enjoyable series.
Invincible Volume 1: Family Matters
Invincible Volume 1: Family MattersRobert Kirkman · Image Comics · 20215 okunma
96 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
Puanım 3/5 (%60/100) Yine çocukken okuyup sevdiğim bir kitap. Şimdi o kitap nerededir bilmiyorum ama kapak resmini çok sevdiğim için başlamıştım. Hatta kapak resmini kendim de çizmeye çalışmıştım. O yüzden beni resime iten kitap bile diyebilirim. Kitabın içeriğine gelirsek, çocuklar için bence çok uygun değil çünkü dili ağır. Şiirsel bir dili olduğu için biraz karmaşık gelebilir çocuklara. Normalde çocukken okuduğum kitapların bile içeriğini hatırlarım ama bunu pek hatırlamıyorum mesela. Güzel bir kitap, Cahit Zarifoğlu'nun dili güzeldir.
SerçekuşCahit Zarifoğlu · Beyan Yayıncılık · 20151,931 okunma
328 syf.
4/10 puan verdi
3 günde okudu
2/5 Stars (%44/100) It was okay in general but there were lots of unnecessary details in my opinion, especially Marianne Weber's loooongg descriptions of everything. Other than that, it was nice to learn more about Max Weber's visit to the US because it really affected his way of thinking. I was more or less familiar with Weber's ideas but the book provided me with more information about the visit (that's the purpose because Marianne Weber already published a book about Max's life). To sum up, it is a nice book to learn more details about the 1904 visit but I found most of the parts boring and irrelevant. I would not read it again
Max Weber in America
Max Weber in AmericaLawrence A. Scaff · Princeton University Press · 20111 okunma
336 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
12 günde okudu
3/5 Stars (%59/100) As other people mentioned, the first part of the book is very very slow. If you can get through it, it becomes much better, especially towards the end. There are lots of temporal jumps so this also makes it a bit difficult to follow. However, in the end, Selasi manages to portray the experiences of African (im)migrants beautifully. The parts with Sadie especially made me really sad. All the characters are very relatable and you can find things that you can associate with. In general, it is a good book but as I've said, the first part is problematic in my opinion.
Ghana Must Go
Ghana Must GoTaiye Selasi · Penguin Books · 20131 okunma
416 syf.
Puan vermedi
22 saatte okudu
3. kitabım ile yolculuğum devam ediyor. İlk kitabım Yeryüzündeki Valhalla hala benim için çok özel ama bu kitabın yeri kesinlikle ayrı. Sizlerin söylediği şeyleri not ettim, kendi fark ettiğim eksiklikleri not ettim ve sonunda ortaya bu dev kitap çıktı. Yazarken çok daha özgüvenli hissediyordum ve içeriğine baktığımda da ne kadar yol kat ettiğimi görebiliyorum. Serinin son kitabını yazdıktan sonra da büyük ihtimalle bu kitabın kusurları ortaya çıkacak. Emeğimin karşılığını aldığım için yine çok heyecanlıyım. Valhalla'yı okuyanların bunu daha çok beğeneceğini düşünüyorum. Benimle bu kitap ile tanışanlar da olacaktır tabii ki. Benim için olumlu ve olumsuz bütün geri dönüşler çok değerli, bunu zaten hep söylemişimdir. Yine desteklerinizi esirgemeyeceğinizi biliyorum. Zamanla kitap her yerde satışa açılacak (1 hafta 10 gün içerisinde) ve tabii ki bu ayın sonunda ODTÜ'de METUCON24'e katılacağım. Beni orada da kitaplarımla bulabilirsiniz. Okuyanlar çekinmeden özelden ulaşabilir, her türlü sohbete açığımdır. Bu süreçte bana destek olan herkese çok teşekkür ederim tekrardan. Ve tabii ki yine çok keyifli ve verimli çalıştığımız Luna Yayınları'na da teşekkür ederim. Diyecek çok şeyim yok çünkü ben de hala olayın gerçekliğini kavrayamadım. Yorumlarınızı ve her türlü desteklerinizi bekliyorum. Herkese keyifli okumalar, sevgiler.
Gölgenin Gizemi
Gölgenin GizemiMert Öncel · Luna Yayınları · 20246 okunma
252 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
3 günde okudu
3/5 Stars (%65/100) It was good in general but some parts were difficult to follow because the characters, point of view and genres shift constantly. Transcending the traditional boundaries is good but I feel like it was a bit overdone. I especially enjoyed the parts about Chinese folklore and mythology. A woman (especially someone with a similar identity as Kingston) would probably enjoy the book more as she would be able to understand some issues better. Also, I've seen someone else comment it and I'm glad I'm not the only one because there were lots of generalizations about the Chinese experience. When we talk about Chinese people, more specifically those who call themselves Chinese Americans, there are numerous individuals with different experiences. However, Kingston seems to talk more generally in most parts. All in all, it is a unique and impactful book.
The Woman Warrior
The Woman WarriorMaxine Hong Kingston · Picador Publishing · 201510 okunma
178 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
3/5 Stars (%62/100) This is more of a transitory volume I think. The fight between Apollo and Leonidas finally comes to an end. We learn some really important things about Loki, Odin and Brunnhild. The next fight is announced and it is between Okita Souji (the humanity's strongest manslayer) and Susano'o no Mikoto (valhalla's strongest godslayer). I know of Okita but I'm a big fan of Susano'o, so I'm curious to see how he is depicted. The book ends on a cliffhanger as the fight between the two is about to begin. So it's a good volume but not a lot of things happen to be honest. We'll wait for the next volume to see the clash between the two strongest.
Record Of Ragnarök #21
Record Of Ragnarök #21Takumi Fukui · ノース・スターズ・ピクチャーズ · 20241 okunma
114 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
Puanım 3/5 (%64/100) Değerli meslektaşım Bünyamin Tan'dan okuduğum 2. kitap bu oldu (diğer yazılarını saymazsak). Emanetteki Ruhlar kitabına göre bir tık daha zayıf bulsam da bence yine güzel bir öykü koleksiyonu olmuş. Daha az beğenme sebebim de aslında tamamen kişisel. Kitapta 6 öykü var ve bunların çoğu tarihi/islami öyküler diyebilirim. Benim bu alana ilgim ve bilgim pek olmamasından dolayı çok eğlenemedim. Fakat daha çok mitolojik olarak gördüğüm Ölüm Çığlığı ve polisiye yönü ağır basan Ölüm Halkası daha çok hoşuma gitti. Benim daha çok hoşuma gittiği için yazarla tanışmak için Emanetteki Ruhlar kitabını öneriyorum ama bahsettiğim şeyleri seviyorsanız bu kitapla da başlayabilirsiniz. Onun dışında dil, ton, betimleme vs. teknik şeylerde hiçbir sorun yok, bu konuda Tan oldukça iyi zaten.
Karanlıktan Gelenler
Karanlıktan GelenlerBünyamin Tan · Mythos Kitap · 20233 okunma
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