A Tough Time “I was a student of philosophy,” said the guy at the end of the bar. “good,” said a guy at the middle of the bar. “how’d you like to come down here and lick my balls?”
If a man,' says he, 'were to see a great company run out every day into the rain and take delight in being wet-if he knew that it would be to no purpose for him to go and persuade them to return to their houses in order to avoid the storm, and that all that could be expected by his going to speak to them would be that he himself should be as wet as they, it would be best for him to keep within doors, and, since he had not influence enough to correct other people's folly, to take care to preserve himself.'
Sayfa 35 - Karbon kitaplarKitabı okudu
Tüm hiyerarşilerden bağımsız bir biçimde algılanabilecek, kapsamlı bir aşk kavramı yaklaşımı, Kanadalı sosyal psikolog John Alan Lee'nin 1976 tarihli Aşkın Renkleri kitabında gelişti- rilmiştir. Lee, Antik Yunan'da farklı aşk hallerine karşılık gelen on kavramsallaştırmayı, altı "sevme biçimine" indirgemiştir. Eros
herifler kafalarına göre günleri isimlendirmişler
Odin'in ismi Woden diye okunur, haftanın dördüncü günü olan çarşambanın İngilizce karşılığı olan Wednesday, Odin's day'den gelir. Yıldırım tanrısı Thor Odin'in en büyük oğludur ve hem tanrıların hem de insanların en güçlüsüdür. Çok kıymetli üç nesneye sahiptir. Bunlardan biri çekicidir. Çekiç fırlatıldığında kendi kendine Thor'un eline geri döner. Sahip olduğu ikinci olağanüstü nesne kuvvet kemeridir. Bu kemeri takar takmaz tanrısal gücü ikiye katlanır. Üçüncü kıymetli nesnesi ise, çekicini etkili olarak kullanması gerektiğinde giydiği demir eldivenlerdir. Perşembenin İngilizce karşılığı olan Thursday sözcüğü Thor's day'den gelir.
Sayfa 280 - İnkılap KitabeviKitabı okudu
a nameless monster
Once upon a time, there lived a nameless monster. The monster was dying to have a name. So he decided to set out on a journey to find his name. But the world was a large place. So the monster split into two on his journey. One went to east, and the other went to west. The monster who went east came to a village. "Mr. Blacksmith, please give
chapter 71Kitabı okudu
well said
Thomas Mann, the major philosophical novelist of Weimar Germany, is no thinker. The out-of-focus flow of non-events in the book is matched only by the similar flow of non-thoughts, i.e., of pseudogeneralities purporting to have cosmic significance and amounting only to a high-school bull session with delusions of grandeur.The key to the meaning of The Magic Mountain is that it has no meaning: it commits itself to nothing, neither idea nor value. Mann’s method is to present his characters, however “scientific” or maniacal or depraved or pedestrian, with a tolerant detachment overlaid with a furtive mockery; the method is not open satire, but a genteel “irony,” a timid, well-mannered sneer directed at man, at aspiration, at ideas, any ideas, including even the idea that ideas are useless. Beneath the surface—beneath the murky half-hints, the numbing details, the indecipherable symbols (which posturing literati have a field day pretending to decode)—the book is a vacuum, which says nothing and stands for nothing.
Sayfa 277
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