Kimseye olduğundan fazla güvenme beyaz gülün gölgesi bile siyahtır.
to my beloved, Dylan Thomas.
Today, I read a poem of yours and it made me cry; "I Have Longed To Move Away". Both being passionately attached to life and madly running away from it fit so nicely into the verses of a poem, Dylan. Every time I come face to face with you, I hear the words you say and get lost in the meaning of it. Reading the lines you write is like
Time Trap (2017)
• Gelecek istediğin her şeyi verebilir. Yeterince beklersek gelecek onu illa yaratır. Belki teknolojiyle belki de artık istememeni sağlayarak. Her şekilde cevap gelecekte.
Ah Ben Fero (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) (Beat'te Furkan nigga) Yeah Babafingo! (brrrrrah) Hadi delirin yo Bu tamam bingo Bi' sabah billboard
Tutku + Samimiyet + Bağlılık ( özveri ) = Mükemmel Aşk ?
Passion + Intimacy + Commitment = Consummate Love... all right , What does consummate our relationship mean? ... I do believe that these are the ingredients to a successful relationship or marriage without any of them it would be dead love. There has to be one of these to form some kind of chemistry between two people. Passion and intimacy have been more of a thing than commitment. Passion becomes more of a starter to a relationship that’s where the chemistry begins with two people. Intimacy is where both parties become more comfortable with one another and become closer. Commitment is always a problem with or without a title on the relationship because most men don’t want to feel trap or feel like they have a duty to be with just one girl. It’s rare when a woman feels this way but it also happens to us girls. Most long term or short-term relationships do tend to lack or loose one of these three along the way. It is nice to see couples stay together and keep their love alive I know one couple who still like to go out on dates and buys flowers to their spouse its refreshing to see that still happen.... It is impossible to know what makes other people love each other and extremely clear when you love another that it is not as simple as passion, intimacy, and commitment.
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