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Alan C. McLean

Alan C. McLeanMartin Luther King yazarı
3 Kişi


Tam adı:
Allan Campbell McLean
İngiliz Aktivist, Yazar


17 okur okudu.
2 okur okuyacak.
1 okur yarım bıraktı.

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Dünyada hiçbir şey bilinçli cehalet ve aptallık kadar tehlikeli değildir.
When African slaves arrived in America, they were sold to white farmers. Often people from the same family were sold to different owners and never saw each other again. Husbands lost their wives, and children were taken away from their mothers. // Afrikalı köleler Amerika'ya ulaştıklarında beyaz çiftçilere satıldılar. Genellikle aynı aileden insanlar farklı köle sahiplerine satıldı ve (bu nedenle) bir daha birbirlerini göremediler. Kocalar eşlerinden ayrı kaldı, çocuklar annelerinden kopartıldı.
Young Martin did not agree with his father. 'If you want to change things, you have to act,' he thought. He knew himself what segregation meant. When he was very small, he played with a little white boy across the street from his house. His friend's name was Warren. When Martin started schoolş, he looked for Warren, but he was not there. After school he went to Warren's house and asked to play with him. The boy's mother said that Martin could not play with Warren any more, because Martin was black and his friend was white. When Martin came home that day, he was cryign. He told his mother what had happened. 'It doesn't matter what other people think,' she told him, 'you're as good as anyone else. Don't you ever forget that!'
Sayfa 4 - oxford
When Americans wrote the Declaration of Indepedence ın 1776, they said that men and women should be free and equal. But the men who qrote the Declaration owned slaves. How was the possible?
Sayfa 9 - oxford
many blacks had the name of their slave owner as their last name, so malcolm changed his last name from little to x. for him it was a way of saying goodby to slavery.
Sayfa 41 - oxford
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Yorumlar ve İncelemeler

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For me, it has been a very impressive reading. I liked it, it was a pleasure to read the life of one of the best human rights activists ever born. No segregation, no racism, no arrest. No prison, live might eguality and fair. Said Martin Luther King. I recommend you to read the book. Good reading.
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