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Bloomberg Businessweek

Bloomberg BusinessweekBloomberg Businessweek March 25, 2024 yazarı
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Dolara Rota Çizmek
Bloomberg Businessweek March 25, 2024'ün bu sayısında özellikle Dolara Rota Çizmek ve devamında gelen FED ile ilgili yazıyı çözümlemek için okumaya çalıştım. Daha sonra da bu sayfaları buraya ekleyemediğim için aşağıdaki bağlantıya ekledim. Dergi yazıları olduğu için burada derinlikten çok hızlı, basit ve anlaşılabilirlik önplanda oluyor. Dolara Rota Çizmek (Charting a Course For the Dollar) adlı yazıda Saleha Mohsin tarafından yazılmıştır. Ayrıca bu yazı yine yazarın "Paper Soldiers" adlı kitabından uyarlanmıştır. Bu sayfaların tarafımdan oluşturulan Türkçelerine aşağıdaki bağlantıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.: kesikkalem.com/index.php/2024/...
Bloomberg Businessweek March 25, 2024
Bloomberg Businessweek March 25, 2024Bloomberg Businessweek · 20241 okunma
Regardless of who becomes the next signatory...Türkçesi yorum kısmında
Regardless of who becomes the next signatory of the almighty buck, the role of the US and the dollar is shifting. That was a point that Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller drove home in a speech in February focused on the “dollar’s primacy.” While it’s rare for a senior Fed official to publicly discuss the dollar, Waller said, “The role of the United States in the world economy is changing, finance is always changing, and I think it is important for policymakers to regularly consider if and why the dollar’s role might change as well.”
The greenback is on one side of 90% of currency...Türkçesi yorum kısmında
The greenback is on one side of 90% of currency transactions worldwide, and two-thirds of international debt is denominated in dol-lars. Global commodity markets, such as that for oil, are ruled by the dollar.
from Beijing to Brasilia...Türkçesi yorum kısmında
Whether it’s Trump or Biden who wins a sec-ond term, the next set of US Treasury officials will be stewards of the dollar at a time when pressure to move away from the greenback is building from Beijing to Brasilia.
The country suddenly...Türkçesi yorum ksımında
The country suddenly had a president and Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, willing to talk down the dollar. Trump repeatedly badgered Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell to cut interest rates to spur growth but also to weaken the green-back. And at one point he floated the idea of hav-ing the Treasury intervene in currency markets to force its value down.
Make America Great Again banner...Türkçesi yorum kısmında
Donald Trump tapped into the economic pain of this overlooked part of the nation. Under his Make America Great Again banner, he turned economic policy inward, unleashing volley after volley of tar-iffs, renegotiating trade pacts and lashing out via Twitter at American businesses that defied his call to bring jobs back to the US.
The strong dollar helped the US...Türkçesi yorum kısmında
The strong dollar helped the US economy prosper in the 1990s. Growth averaged 3.8% in inflation-adjusted terms under Bill Clinton, com-pared with 2.8% under his predecessors Ronald Reagan and George Bush. But the strong green-back also had insidious side effects. Coupled with the rise of China, it contributed to the hollowing out of the US manufacturing sector. The Rust Belt states saw factories shutter and company towns col-lapse as employers decamped to lower-cost locales.
is more pessimistic...Türkçesi yorum kısmında
Mark Sobel, a retired 40-year veteran of the Treasury Department, is more pessimistic. Citing increasingly populist policies of both Republicans and Democrats and how they’ve eroded America’s standing as a leader on international economic issues, Sobel says the “odds seem stacked against the US exercising robust international economic leadership” at all.
“The thing about the US over...Türkçesi yorum kısmında
“The thing about the US over the next decade or so is how skillfully we navigate this big change in relative power,” says Timothy Geithner, who was Treasury chief during the Obama years. Treasury’s “authority comes from the quality of the people, the decisions they make, its reputation for integrity and the perception that it takes a longer-term view of US interests, slightly beyond politics,” he said.
Türkçesi yorum kısmında
Since 2001, which marked the start of an era in which US governments sharply expanded the use of economic sanctions, the greenback’s share of global foreign exchange reserves held by central banks has dropped from 73% to 59%. Gulf nations are starting to settle oil trades in the Chinese yuan, and other commodity producers are considering similar shifts.
Türkçesi yorum kısmında
Strategic rivals like China and Russia have made no secret of their desire to see their currencies supplant the greenback in some international transactions.
Türkçesi yorum kısmında
It’s too early to tell whether the dollar’s status as the world’s dominant currency is in imminent danger, but there’s no question that America’s privileged position at the center of the global financial system is increasingly being challenged by friends and foes alike.
76 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Sağlık Bakanlığı 15 mide ilacını geri çekti!
Aşağıdaki yazı uzun olup ayrıntı içermektedir. Uzun yazı okumak istemeyenler için kısaca şunu açıklayayım: Birinci kısım olarak nitelendirdiğim yerde, etken maddesi ranitidin ile tanışmam; ikinci kısımda, derginin bu sayısı sayesinde Zantac özelinde ranitidin etken maddeli ilaçların yol açtığı sorun ve piyasadan toplatılması üzerine yazılan
Bloomberg Businessweek USA
Bloomberg Businessweek USABloomberg Businessweek · 20231 okunma
In March 1988, Glaxo commissioned a Gallup Poll titled “Heartburn Across America,” It found 44% of the adult population suffered heartburn monthly. Zantac could be prescribed for heartburn by then, but plenty of antacids were available that didn’t require a prescription. Glaxo promoted the survey on television and in print. The ads noted that heartburn and other symptoms of chronic reflux could signal diseases such as ulcers and suggested seeing a physician.
Zantac’s sales in the US that first year were about $125 million, which made it one of the best launches of a drug ever.
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