David Sacks

Letter Perfect yazarı
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David Sacks Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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The earliest fixed use of j was in Spain. Here, soon after printing’s arrival in the 1470s, we find the shape j for the consonant and the shape i for the vowel, in all lowercase uses in the Spanish language. Thus, with no change of pronunciation, the holy name Iesus (“Hay-soos” in Spanish) came to be spelled as Jesus. The word iusticia (hoos-tee-see-a) became justicia. Modern Spanish still uses J to mean the sound “h,” Spanish H being silent.
Greek writing denotes the sound “h” not as a letter but an accent mark, placed atop or alongside another letter that is to be pronounced breathily. The accent is routinely used, even in Greek words that English transliterates with the letter H, such as “Heracles” or “Rhodes.” The Greek lettering of such words has no H letter, just the accent mark.
Presumably the new letter shape’s resemblance to C was deliberate on the Romans’ part. Some kind of attraction was at work: Since C was close in sound to G and had doubled as the G letter in the old days, the Romans evidently felt that their newly created G would be easier to learn and remember if it resembled C in shape.
The switch from “w” to “f” came with the Romans, who copied the Etruscan alphabet shortly before 600 B.C. The Romans made adjustments on letter number 6: They assigned the “w” sound to their letter U as a secondary job, and, thus enabled, they gave the F-shape letter a brand-new sound—the strong Latin fricative not adequately represented among the Etruscan letters, the sound “f.”
İngilizceyi okunduğu gibi yazma girişimi
In 1768 Benjamin Franklin wrote a proposal for spelling reform. The essence was to discard letters C, J, W, and Y and reassign their values to other letters and to new symbols (including similar-looking symbols for sounds “ch” and “j,” insofar as those two sounds are related); also, vowels would be shown more phonetically. Living in London at the time, Franklin sent his proposal to a young female friend there, Polly Stevenson. She replied in a letter, written in experimental Franklinese and incidentally revealing her high-toned accent, that she could “si meni inkanviiniensis” in the scheme.
We get the term “consonant” via medieval French from an ancient Latin word, consonans, “sounding along with.” The idea is that while vowel sounds can be pronounced on their own, a consonant normally can be pronounced only with a vowel before or after.
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