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Lisa Duggan

Lisa DugganMean Girl yazarı
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Lisa Duggan bir gazeteci, aktivist ve New York Üniversitesi'nde Sosyal ve Kültürel Analiz Profesörüdür. Sapphic Slashers: Sex, Sensationalism and American Modernity ve Twilight of Equality? kitaplarının yazarıdır. Neoliberalizm, Kültürel Politika ve Demokrasiye Saldırı , Nan Hunter ile birlikte Seks Savaşları: Cinsel Muhalefet ve Siyasi Kültür kitabının ortak yazarı ve Lauren Berlant ile birlikte Our Monica, Ourselves: The Clinton Affair ve National Interest kitabının ortak editörü . Yeni kitabı Mean Girl: Ayn Rand ve Neoliberal Açgözlülük, University of California Press, American Studies Now için Curtis Marez ile birlikte editörlüğünü yaptığı dizide bu baharda çıkacak . 2014-2015 yılları arasında Amerikan Araştırmaları Derneği'nin başkanlığını yaptı.
Gazeteci, Aktivist, Profesör
10 Haziran 1954


1 okur okudu.

Sözler ve Alıntılar

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Atlas Shrugged is not merely a novel... It is also—or may I say: first of all—a cogent analysis of the evils that plague our society, a substantiated rejection of the ideology of our self-styled “intellectuals” and a pitiless unmasking of the insincerity of the policies adopted by our governments and political parties. It is a devastating exposure of the “moral cannibals,” the “gigolos of science,” and of the “academic prattle” of the makers of the “anti-industrial revolution.”
Sayfa 108 - Mises
Rand’s fiction is rife with romantic triangles and quadrangles, with adultery and divorce, with homoerotic bonds among a heroine’s multiple lovers (though homoeroticism among women is unimaginable in the Randian fictional universe). There is no birth control or abortion, few children, virtually no housework. The sex scenes feature conquest and eroticized physical struggle as powerful women submit to dominant men. But they do not then cling, depend, or nag—only the weak and the wives do that. And the romances emphatically do not end in marriage. These are fantasies for the New Woman that cut in multiple directions. Aspirational creative and professional freedom, circumscribed within a context of consensual, ecstatic sexual submission to heroic men, is available to the superior single woman producer. All the other women are either nagging parasites or starving primitives and incompetents.
Rand noted in her journal:
Wynand is actually in love with Roark. It is love in every sense but the physical; its base is not in homosexuality. Wynand has never had any tendency in that direction. It is more hero-worship than love, and more religion that hero-worship. Actually, it is Wynand’s tribute to his own unrealized greatness...Wynand welcomes the torture of loving a man whom he should hate.
Sayfa 94
Ayn Rand’s popularity has had four significant high points: (1) from the publication of The Fountainhead to the appearance of Atlas Shrugged (1943–1957); (2) among newly ascendant neoliberals during the 1980s; (3) among the new tech tycoons of Silicon Valley during the 1990s and after; and (4) during and after the 2008 crash. The link between the first two periods can be traced through the career of Alan Greenspan.
Sayfa 140
What can we all do? Organize, of course, as so many on the global feminist, antiracist, anti-neoliberal left are now doing. But also, expose the cruelty at the heart of neoliberalism, and build on the social solidarity she worked so hard to discredit and destroy. Reject Ayn Rand. After all, she rejects you.
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