
115 syf.
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Well, I read this book in English, so the review will be... I really like the book. It is something like the developed ''Cin Ali''. In the book, there are planets that only one or a few people can fit on it. And the little prince is living in one of them. One day he took a walk and started to travel to other planets. Somehow he found himself on the earth and met a guy who had a plane crash and was stuck in the desert. It's a true story that the writer -who is actually a pilot- had a plane crash. And then this accident becomes an inspiration to him. The book is a tale more than a story or novel. I found it very warm and cute, so I can recommend reading it. For sure one day I will read it in Turkish too.
The Little Prince
The Little PrinceAntoine de Saint-Exupéry · MK Publications · 2017237bin okunma
79 görüntüleme
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