Oktay Guney

Oktay Guney
4 okur puanı
Temmuz 2021 tarihinde katıldı
XV, 616-622:
“Ama yine de delemiyordu sıraları bir türlü. Karşı duruyordu Akhalar dayanıp omuz omuza bir duvar gibi, ya da bir kaya gibi, sarp, kocaman. Köpüklü denizin kıyısındaki kaya nasıl karşı koyarsa sert yellerin hızlı esişine, şiştikçe şişen dalgaların saldırışına karşı koyarsa, Danaolar da öyle direnip dayanıyorlardı işte.”
Sayfa 336 - Is Bankasi Kultur YayinlariKitabı okudu
How the Potato Changed the World:
"Before the potato and maize, before intensive fertilization, European living standards were roughly equivalent to those in Cameroon and Bangladesh; they were below Bolivia or Zimbabwe. On average, European peasants ate less per day than hunting-and-gathering societies in Africa or the Amazon. Industrial monoculture with improved crops and high-intensity fertilizer allowed billions of people—Europe first, and then much of the rest of the world—to escape the Malthusian trap. Incredibly, living standards doubled or tripled worldwide even as the planet’s population climbed from fewer than 1 billion in 1700 to about 7 billion today. "
Sayfa 280 - Vintage BooksKitabı okudu
The Melian Dialogue (Book V-97)
“Athenians: So far as right and wrong are concerned they think that there is no difference between the two, that those who still preserve their independence do so because they are strong, and that if we fail to attack them it is because we are afraid. So that by conquering you we shall increase not only the size but the security of our empire. We rule the sea and you are islanders, and weaker islanders too than the others; it is therefore particularly important that you should not escape.”
Sayfa 403 - Penguin BooksKitabı okudu

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Oktay Guney

Oktay Guney

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