Alexander Humez

Alpha To Omega yazarı
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Alexander Humez Gönderileri

Alexander Humez kitaplarını, Alexander Humez sözleri ve alıntılarını, Alexander Humez yazarlarını, Alexander Humez yorumları ve incelemelerini 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Atina'da Kadınların Durumu
In conservative Athens, women were generally considered fertile fields in which the male seed might be sown to produce children, preferably male, so Athenian women were mostly confined to quarters, living out their dreary lives in badly lit, badly ventilated rooms, and ill-fed into the bargain. In Athens, the girls were fed less than the boys on the theory that males were needed for the army and there wasn't enough food to go around in nonagrarian Athens to feed everybody.
Sayfa 19 - David R. GodineKitabı okuyor
Bilimde "-gen" (genesis) Ekinin Kullanımı
Science has appropriated genetics, genes, and the -gen of hydrogen, ("water producer," because when combined with oxygen it produces water); carcinogen ("cancer-producer"); and antigen, the generic term for any foreign body whose introduction into the blood stream results in the generation of antibodies to fight it off.
Sayfa 16 - David R. GodineKitabı okuyor
Kadmos, Brought the Alphabet to the Greeks
Tradition has it that the raw material for the Greek alphabet was brought to Boeotia by a Phoenician named Kadmos (Cadmus). Kadmos was said to have been the son of the Phoenician king Agenor, and the brother of Europa - whom Zeus set out to seduce, appearing to her in the form of a bull, and whom he eventually carried off. Agenor sent Kadmos off in search of Europa. Having had no luck in finding his sister, Kadmos went to consult the Delphic oracle who told him that he should follow a wandering cow and establish a city wherever she might stop to graze, which he did, and there the Boeotian city of Thebes was established.
Sayfa 6 - David R. GodineKitabı okuyor