
I am Amonge from Johannesburg, I am a plastic surgeon and I am spending my last year at Hacettepe University in Istanbul.
Estetik Cerrahi
Johannesburg University
South Africa, 1994
5 okur puanı
Ocak 2024 tarihinde katıldı
I recommend a book that you will enjoy life.
An involuntarily relaxing environment of books and the smell of books
I have never met anyone who speaks English.
I think there are very few English speakers here, and either it is full of Turkish writers reading Turkish, or I am unfortunate that I have never met anyone who speaks English.

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
Hey guys, does anyone here speak English?
Hey guys, does anyone here speak English?
I guess nobody here reads English and posts anything in English.
I guess nobody here reads English and posts anything in English.