
Kyoto, Japan.
2 okur puanı
Temmuz 2022 tarihinde katıldı
This message is dedicated to my illicit lover. We may have our struggles, arguments, and difficulties. But, in the end, we were happy. We did our best to be happy. You and I were happy, at least that's what I'd like to think. You're forbidden like the apple Adam and Eve ate. You're tempting. Once I've entered your world, it became mine as well. Loving you was beautiful because it was genuine. We shared everything we had, our lives, and our likes. I've never been happier before, and meeting you surely was a sort of fate. Thank you for making me smile and laugh. I'm aware that I don't deserve you. I have my problems, and I don't think anybody else could solve them. You were as beautiful as the stars, no matter how much you denied that you were beautiful, in my eyes you were one of a kind. There were nights when I longed for you, I wanted to hold you and envelop you beneath my arms. I wanted to feel your warmth. But, it was impossible. It was absurd, I thought. Loving you was forbidden because I couldn't touch you. I felt as if your love was sincere and friendly. While mine was romantical. It was the first time I'd fallen in love, how should I know to control my feelings? They were strange but beautiful feelings. I don't want anybody else in my life, but you. I don't want others to experience my love. My love remains for you.
Magnolia okurunun profil resmi
This message isn't dedicated to a real person, but rather imaginary.