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Lian Billuroglu

Sabitlenmiş gönderi
"Kimse kimseyi taniyamaz, tanidigimizi saniriz. Tanidigimiz kadarina inaniriz. Eger gerçekten tanisak, bırakın aşkı filan, kimse kimseyle arkadas bile olamaz." • Ahmet Ümit ...
No matter how much i pour into a little boy, the worlds is till gonna let him be stupid. And he’s going to choose to do that, because he is allowed to.
Lian Billuroglu tekrar paylaştı.
“İnsan sevilmekten çok anlaşılmayı bekliyordu belki de..” -George Orwell(1984)

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
%47 (170/360)
Felsefenin Kısa Tarihi
Felsefenin Kısa TarihiNigel Warburton
8.5/10 · 6,9bin okunma
"in whatever manner it comes to be, love is never wrong, especially between one who has so much of it to give, and one so desperately in need of it"
Love isn’t earned its given
"The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman's life, to her wellbeing and dignity. It's a decision she must make for herself" Ruth Bader Ginsburg
"i feel like i'm too difficult to love." be difficult for abusers to love
Marrige should be a friendship between equals
Show me your friends, and ill tell you who you are.
know yourself. that way opinions of other people cannot affect you. you already know who you are. it gives you the power to disagree with peoples opinion about you and it won't affect you. if you don't know yourself you'll take whatever information you can get. even if it's negative opinions from random people.
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