Chapter Four
If a man wants to leave you, wave goodbye and lock the doors. You've got better things to do than chase a lost cause.
Sayfa 49
Political knowledge and economic literacy are not evenly spread among all demographic groups. Political knowledge is strongly positively correlated with having a college degree, but negatively correlated with having a high school diploma or less. It is positively correlated with being in the top half of income earners, but negatively correlated with being in the bottom half. It is strongly positively correlated with being in the top quarter of income earners, and strongly negatively correlated with being in the bottom quarter. It is positively correlated with living in the western United States, and negatively correlated with living in the South. Political knowledge is positively correlated with being or leaning Republican, but negatively correlated with being a Democrat or leaning independent. It is positively correlated with being between the ages of thirty-five and fifty-four, but negatively correlated with other ages. It is negatively correlated with being black, and strongly negatively correlated with being female. As I’ll explore in chapter 8, the basis of one of the major objections to epistocracy is the fact that political knowledge is spread unevenly among demographic groups.
Sayfa 33 - Some Citizens Know Much More Than Others
#1 - Social Engineering
In both of the earlier scenarios, not having enough a good enough plan and model will lead to failure. A good way to practice communication modeling is to write out a model for manipulating people you know well—a husband, wife, parent, child, boss, or friend—to do something you want, to take some action you desire. List the following five
Chapter Four
"Gay isn’t synonymous with slut."
The Romance Authors - kindle
Chapter Twenty-Four
“Sit, Khải, you look bad.” She directed him to a stone bench that overlooked the water. He sat, and she brushed the hair from his clammy forehead with cool, soft fingers. “You need water.” When she tried to pull away, he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. “Don’t go.” “Okay,” she said, and she urged him to rest his cheek
Sayfa 268
Chapter Twenty-Four
“Life was about taking chances. Going for what you wanted so that you didn't get old and have pages of regrets. Sometimes you won and sometimes you lost, as much as I hated it.”
Sayfa 509
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