However, Butler argues, some ways of acting out gender norms implicitly or explicitly challenge the idea, central to the heterosexual matrix, that gender expresses sex. She uses drag as an example (Butler 1990a: 136-9). Men getting up in drag, doing the gestures and postures and wearing the clothes which signify femininity, shows that 'being' feminine is just a matter of doing certain activities. Drag shows that these activities can be done by anyone of any sex and need not be expressive of the agent's female sex. Drag thus reveals that gender is 'performative' - existing only so far as it is performed. Another of Butler's examples is butch/femme relationships between lesbians. In these, the butch adopts conventionally 'masculine' attributes - strength, emotional awkwardness, protectiveness while the 'feminine' femme is caring and emotional. This shows that these masculine and feminine attributes exist only as long as people perform them, and that females as well as males can perform masculine traits (Butler 1991). Butler considers drag, butch/femme roles, and any other kinds of activity that similarly expose the performative status of gender, to be subversive. These activities subvert or undermine the matrix of assumptions that organizes our society. Specifically, these activities subvert the norm that males must act masculine and females feminine.
Sayfa 64
Woodrow Wilson’s geographer: Isaiah Bowman and the 1919 Peace Conference
Bowman believed, contrary to the isolationists, that America should play a central role in the development and evolution of the world economy. As his later work demonstrated, his vision (and accompanying maps) for the United States as a global power necessarily involved thinking through how power could be exercised at the expense of European colonial powers. For Bowman, power, if it were going to be exercised effectively over territories, would have to be informed by a commitment to free trade and diffused through international institutions in order to avoid the charge of American imperialism
Sayfa 130 - Chapter 5Kitabı okudu
“Think tank" denilen “gizli ve güvenli oda” Her ülkede olduğu gibi, şirketler için esas olan devlet politikala­ rına ve kararlarına yon vermektir. Yön verilecek olan devlet yöne­ timi ve yasama organları olunca, yönlendirici elemanların niteliği de önem kazanıyor. Bu nedenle elemanların büyük çoğunluğu, devlet deneyimine sahip eski ve yeni