
But what about the perception you are creating personally, as an individual and as the representative of your company? For starters, you only have one opportunity to establish a powerful initial perception of yourself. The cliche is correct, you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. (…) When I go to a business meeting, and especially an initial meeting with people I've never met, I dress for the occasion. That means a Saville Row tailored suit, maybe with waistcoat vest, hand-tailored dress shirt, bold tie, antique gold pocket watch and free-flowing breast pocket handkerchief. The message to those people is, I don't look like them because I'm not like them. And when I walk into the room, I want those morons to know at a glance, in a microsecond, that their lives and destinies are going to change forever because I just walked in. But you know what - I dressed like that before I was super successful.
12 görüntüleme
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