
208 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
"He's the devil!" "No, he's a god!"
"When I was around 13 years old, people were split into two groups. The users and the used. The warm and the freezing. The humans and the firewood. That was how the world worked. It made sense. And nobody fought back. Nobody except for one person. A man engulfed in flames." "Those people haven't a shred of remorse... treating us like objects. They've forgotten we live and burn us like firewood. All the while acting like it's the natural course of things! They blamed it all on the ice witch... but then created a world where they call us fuel!" I feel like this whole story is just a big allegory on life and society. I remember there were a gay couple who had to run from the religious Behemdorg country to stay alive, raping women being okay in Behemdorg because it's seen natural and girls have to bear a child as soon as they turn 13 or have their period, the people of this country seeing everything they have as their god-given rights (literally) and not seeing anyone else as human. They literally see other people as firewood, people to step on and use for their resources ans wealth. The world being tortured by a natural thing like ice age and people making it an excuse to do evil deeds and keep this system going. Agni's flames being the symbol of resistance, endurance, punishment and cleansing in both physical and spiritual manner and it's coming from a man who has suffered the most and had to sacrifice his flesh and blessing for his community ever since childhood. Despite being a supernatural action story, I feel like the high notes and undertones of the story are just pointing towards a bigger picture that is an allegorical criticism of the world we live in and society and how things are. I feel like that was the original starting point of the story and Fujimoto decided to tell this story in a fun way with characters who have mutant powers as of xmen. Either way, I like this manga. It's definitely more than just "ha ha fire man punches bad guys" kinda thing.
Fire Punch, Vol. 3
Fire Punch, Vol. 3Tatsuki Fujimoto · Viz Media Llc · 201821 okunma
46 görüntüleme
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