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otizm spektrum bozukluğu

otizm spektrum bozukluğu
A man writes because he's tormented, because he doubts. He needs to constantly prove to himself and the others that he's worth something.
8 okur puanı
Haziran 2023 tarihinde katıldı
Sabitlenmiş gönderi
kimsenin okumayacağını bildiğim blogum maximusergenus.substack.com/p/dusus
otizm spektrum bozukluğu
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Çağdaş Avrupa Felsefesi
Çağdaş Avrupa FelsefesiJ. M. Bochenski
7.6/10 · 27 okunma
Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

Okur Takip Önerileri

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otizm spektrum bozukluğu
Bir kitabı okumayı düşünüyor
ZorbaNikos Kazancakis
7.9/10 · 16bin okunma
240 syf.
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6 günde okudu
Erbainİsmet Özel
9/10 · 8,7bin okunma
Ode to nightingale
My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: 'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, But being too happy in thine happiness,— That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees
270 öğeden 1 ile 15 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.