Kiss From a Monster Series

A Kiss From A Faerie King

Charlotte Swan

A Kiss From A Faerie King Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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Başıma ne gelirse gelsin kendimi örümcek ağına yakalanmış bir böcek gibi hissediyorum.
Nefes alamadığım için başım dönüyor. Sanki bu şey beni kuru toprakta boğuyor. Yavaş ve dolambaçlı bir ölüm ama yine de bu yolculuğun sonunda beni bekleyenlerle kıyaslandığında sönük kalıyor.
“My family will wonder what happened to me.” My body shudders. “I don’t even want to think of how the prince will react when I don’t show up for our engagement.” The king raises and brow and asks nonchalantly, “Would his head ease your concerns?”
“Wait, do I not need shoes?” I ask, looking down at my bare feet. The grass stains from last night have mysteriously disappeared. I glance towards Emrys’s naked feet before meeting his amused eyes. “There’s no need for shoes in my realm.” That’s the most wonderful thing I’ve heard in my entire life.
The creature in front of me smells like soil and crisp air. Nestled in his white hair sits a crown of gnarled branches that sprout into deep green leaves. A seemingly uncomfortable accessory to highlight his importance. His skin is pale, milky green save for the dark ends of his fingers. His eyes are completely black and glossy. He doesn’t so much as blink as he surveys me from head to toe. His gaze is hot and curious as it runs along my body.
The king growls, baring his sharp teeth, and I dip my head. My face heats, and shame curdles my stomach. Am I embarrassed of my body? Am I uncomfortable because that’s how I feel or because I was taught to be?
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