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Lil.Carno Loves Albert Wesker

Lil.Carno Loves Albert Wesker
"Ne yapmak istediğine, ne yapması gerektiğine, ne yapmaya mecbur olduğuna dair hiçbir fikri bulunmayan kafası karmakarışık tek bir varlıktım." -Tüm Sistemler Çöktü, Martha Wells
Sabitlenmiş gönderi
“…the Black Dog is looked on as a bad omen, ill luck, disaster or death attending his appearance…”
Wanted to reach us, to touch us. Give me your tired, your so very, very tired. I couldn't take this, didn't know what I had thought I could accomplish coming here. I couldn't look at another one. Another dead person clawing for my face.
I thought maybe, just maybe they were alright, maybe they'd run to Liberty Island for refuge and been safe there and were just waiting for us, waiting for rescue but then I smelled them and I knew. I knew they weren't alright at all. Give me your tired, your poor, your wretched refuse, my brain repeated over and over, a mantra.

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Where the hell is everybody? His mind grasped for answers as he crept down the silent street, searching desperately for a reason - and for some way to alleviate the sweaty anxiety that had once again settled over him.
The murders in Raccoon. Weren't a few of those people killed by animal attack? Wild dogs, or some-thing? Maybe that wasn't someone's pet dog at all. A disturbing thought - and even more disturbing was the sudden feeling he had that the dog was still close by, maybe watching him from the darkness in the trees.
Cool pine-scented air breezed across his face; the deserted stretch of road seeming almost unnaturally quiet - as if the landscape was holding its breath, waiting. Now that his heart had resumed a more normal pace, he was surprised to find that he still felt unsettled, even anxious.
Some kind of a dog, he didn't get a clear look - a big one, anyway, a shepherd or maybe an oversized Dober- man, but it had looked wrong somehow. He'd only seen it for a split-second, a flash of glowing red eyes and lean, wolfish body. And there was something else, it had seemed kind of... slimy? No, trick of the light, or you were just so shit-scared that you saw it wrong. You're okay and you didn't hit it, that's the important thing.
Once the cannibal killers were finally put away, Raccoon would be ideal again - beautiful, clean, a white-collar community nestled in the mountains like a secret paradise.
Word had it that Chief Irons was kind of a prick, but Leon knew his training had been top-notch - even a prick would have to be a little impressed.
What little furniture he had was already moved into a studio apartment in the working-class but basically decent Trask district of Raccoon City, there was a nice park not two blocks away, and it was only a five- minute drive to the station. No more gridlock, no more overcrowded slums or random acts of brutality. Assuming he could survive the embarrassment of showing up to his first shift as a full-blown officer of the law without having unpacked his bags, he was looking forward to living in the peaceful community.
Baylar Terör ve Erebus bombardıman gemileri olarak inşa edilmiş olsalar da, iyice bakarsanız anlayacaksınız ki maalesef hiçbirine bir tane bile top yerleştirilmemiş. Depodaki tüfekleri saymazsak Excellent gemisinden gelip de burada gönüllü olan bizler yeni doğmuş bebekler kadar silahsızız. Lanet olası Adem Peygamber kadar silahsız. Başka deyişle beyler, siz gülle uzmanları, bu sefer boyunca çöldeki bir avuç kum kadar yararsızsınız.
Tsunami, "Niye ki?" dedi. "Ben bir prensesim. Canım ne isterse yaparım." "Bir başkası kraliçeyken yapamazsın." diye açıkladı Girdap.
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