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Antik Çağdan Modern Dünyaya

Aşkın Tarihi

Simon May

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Antik Çağdan Modern Dünyaya Aşkın Tarihi
Kitap genellikle dinlerden alıntılarla dolu, biraz fazla uzatılmış. Dinlerde aşk ile başlamış sonra antik çağdan devam etmiş, olması gereken tersi bence. İçerik olarak çok dolu. Dinlerle ilgili kısmı çıkarırsan kitaptan, pür aşk tanımı ortaya da çıkıyor. Keyifli okumalar dilerim sürükleyici bir kitap.
Aşkın Tarihi
Aşkın TarihiSimon May · Everest Yayınları · 20149 okunma
Aşk hakkında belli başlı inanışlar
Aşk koşulsuzdur: Öteki'nin değeri ya da nitelikleri yüzünden doğ- maz ya da azalmaz; aşk, onu veren kimsenin kendisi adına hiçbir şeyin peşinde olmadığı, içten gelen bir yetenektir. (Örnek durum: Ebeveynlerin çocuklarına duyduğu sevgi.) Aşk, âşık olunan kişiyle tüm özellikleri bağlamında ilişki kurar ve onu tüm özellikleriyle "iyi" yönleriyle olduğu kadar "kötü" yönleriyle de- onaylar. Aşk özünde bencil değildir. İlgisi sevilen kimsenin sırf kendi iyiliği için gelişip ilerlemesine yönelir ve kendi çıkarını gözetmez. Aşk iyi niyetli ve uyumludur - huzurlu bir limandır. Aşk sonsuza kadar sürer: o ölümlüdür, ne de sunduğu nimetler. Aşk bizi gündelik hayatın sevimsiz kusurlarından alıp olağanüstü bir saflık ve mükemmelliğe götürür. Aşk hayattaki kayıpların ve acıların telafisidir: Bizi onlardan kurtarır, onlara anlam katar, kendi değeriyle onları alt eder ve bizleri o en yüce iyilikle uzlaştırır ki, yaşadığımız kayıp ve acılar, o iyilikten ayrı düşmüşlüğün ifadesidir aslında.
Love therefore looks simultaneously to past and future. Differently put: its spirit is, at once, nostalgic and utopian, conservative and idealistic. To that extent, love is Janus-faced: both a recovery and a discovery.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
And the more individualistic we become the more we expect love to be a secular journey for the soul, a final source of meaning and freedom, a supreme standard of value, a key to the problem of identity, a solace in the face of rootlessness, a desire for the worldly and simultaneously a desire to transcend it, a redemption from suffering, and, a promise of eternity.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
There have been idolatrous and sometimes horrific attempts to impute this divine role to a community or nation or state or ethnic group, and to make these the principal source and focus of its members' love — above all Nazism's worship of Führer and Volk.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
To paraphrase Kierkegaard: we can only live life forwards and understand it backwards.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
Familiarity generates indifference.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
Night is when Christ’s redemptive death took place, the death that reconciles man and God. Night is the realm of the great Mother, Mary the Virgin.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
Since all events are interconnected, the ideal end point of this attempt at self-understanding would be to comprehend, by an effort of pure thought, nature as a whole — which means to understand God, the cause of all things.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
Through [imagination and knowledge] man can become aware of those eternal truths that order the universe, and in doing so become a creator himself.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
Love is the language of their longing, whether for the form of another human body or for the harmony and order of the universe.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
The Renaissance's fascination with natural things like the body and its anatomy cannot be separated from their relation to the divine; indeed these things derive their spiritual quality from their participation in the divine.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
[St Francis of Assisi] rejects possessions not to flee the world, but on the contrary to come close to a world uncluttered by their demands and distractions. He helps us see that to call money ‘worldly’ is a misnomer; for it *obstructs intimacy* with the world rather than expresses it. He provokes the thought that the seeker after wealth is not too bound up with ordinary things but not bound up enough.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
The problem for love in a secular world is that the two sides of the Christian view — the sanctification of love and what I have called the 'doctrine of humility' — have come unstuck. Without an all-powerful God to hold them together and to serve as a standing reminder of how severely hard love is, as well as how fundamentally beyond our control, they have simply gone their own separate ways, producing extremes of optimism and pessimism about love, both of which have damaged it.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
And the sacred is always accompanied by fears of desecration. When the stakes are so high lapses of devotion are ominous. And easy: dedication is readily threatened by simple pleasures, doubt, laziness and less demanding idols. Sacrilege is just a step from reverence.
Love. A History — Yale University PressKitabı okudu
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