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Atatürk: An Intellectual Biography

Şükrü Hanioğlu

Atatürk: An Intellectual Biography Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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Türkiye'de şapkadan tavşan çıkar hiç de şaşırmam.
Instead of disappearing from Turkey, Turkish Islam redefined its relationship with modernity. During the early republican transformation, few could have envisaged an Islamist party leading Turkey on the path to membership in the European Union.
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Rusya milli mücadeledeye çok ciddi bir destek sağlamış.
In addition to settling the northeastern boundaries of Turkey, the Russians secretly pledged to provide ten million gold rubles, as well as sufficient weaponry and ammunition to arm two divisions, in order to help the nation-alist government fi ght Western imperialism. It was the reliable flow of Russian gold and armaments that made possible the pros-ecution of the war against the Greeks and thus secured the inde-pendence of Turkey.
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Atatürk'ün materyalist görüşleri olduğu galiba doğru
In his own terms, the principles on which such a community would be based should not be confused with “the dogmas of books thought to have descended from the heav-ens”; they were not inspired by clues from “the heavens or the invisible world, but directly from life.” Naturally, this scientistic-nationalist vision overtly conflicted with Islam
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Trakya ve İstanbul'un savaşsız alınması güzel açıklanmış. İlber Ortaylı'nın kitabında hiç değinilmemişti. "The crisis reached its cli-max when Mustafa Kemal refused to recognize the Allied neutral zone and ordered his troops to prepare to cross into European Turkey. In the end, a number of circumstances combined to avert a clash of arms: Mustafa Kemal’s skill at aggressive brinkmanship, French mediation, strong antiwar sentiment in Britain and its dominions, and the reluctance of the British commander in Istanbul to use force. On October 11, the nationalist government prudently agreed to sign an armistice in return for a complete Greek withdrawal from Eastern Th race and a return to the pre–Great War borders there"
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Ülkeyi yabancı himayesine verme derdinde olan Vahdettin ve son Osmanlı Hükümeti
the imperial government, which had obtained a fatwā from the Şeyhülislâm de-claring Mustafa Kemal and his comrades brigands and proclaiming their killing a duty incumbent upon all Muslims.
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Bizden bişey olmaz, biz kendimizi Amerika'ya bırakalım, o bizi düzeltsin demişler resmen. Kendini tarikata, cemaate mürit eden kul eden zihniyetin bir farklı çeşidi. Some Turkist members of the CUP were naive enough to form a “Wilson’s Principles Society” in order to further the cause of a fair resolution. They even considered the possibility of an American mandate for a fixed period, thinking that “America, which had turned a savage land like the Philippines into a machine capable of administering itself,” would do a much better job in Turkey in a span of fifteen or twenty years.
Fransızların ülkeden çekilmesi hep çocuk masalı gibi anlatıldı. Sanki Türkiye ne derse Fransızlar OK deyip geçmiş gibi anlatıldı. Oysa Suriye'de Fransız mandası kabul edilmiş karşılık olarak. "In the Ankara Accord of October 1921, they abandoned all their claims to Cilicia and those southeastern Turkish provinces that had been occupied by their forces, and provided guarantees for a special administration of the sanjak (subprovince) of Alexandretta. In return, the Turkish nationalists recognized the French mandate in Syria and undertook to respect French interests in Turkey."
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Liseye giden insanlara bile tarihi çocuk masalı gibi anlatıyor eğitim sistemimiz. "İtalyanlar biz ne dersek tamam deyip savaştan çekildi" gibi anlatılıyor. Oysa kapitülasyon benzeri ekonomik avantajlar istemişler, hatta sonradan Osmanlı hükümetiyle gizli anlaşma yapmışlar. "According to the terms of the accord, the Italians were to withdraw their troops from Anatolia, recognize Turkish sovereignty, and support a peace acceptable to the nation-alists in Ankara. In return, Turkey was to grant Italy economic concessions within the region designated by the Treaty of Sèvres as the Italian sphere of inf l uence, and even outside it (specif i cally in the Heraclea coal mines). In the event, Mustafa Kemal refused to ratify this agreement because he found the economic concessions too reminiscent of the reviled capitulations"
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Atatürk'ü de Hz Muahmmed'i de maalesef ilahlaştırıyorlar
By the time of his death, Mustafa Kemal had unintentionally, though not accidentally, become the revered founder of a new religion, Kemalism
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1. Dünya Savaşında tüm kumadanlar Alman, ülke zaten elden gitmiş diyor Atatürk. "In a lengthy, erudite memorandum submitted to the grand vizier, Mustafa Kemal not only cautioned against German domination of the Ottoman com-mand but went so far as to warn that the Ottoman Empire risked becoming a German colony if the present situation continued and the Central Powers won the war."
“The army must be the army of offense. Our weapons are good not for defending ourselves from the enemy but for making the enemy shield himself against us.”3
Sayfa 71 - Kitap Atatürk'ün 1. Dünya savaşında Osmanlı Devleti'nin saldıran tarafta olmasını istediğini iddia ediyor. Atatürk'ü her zaman geleceği doğru tahmin eden biri olarak göstermek pek doğru değilKitabı okudu
The Young Turks were oblivious to the irony inherent in their own uninhibited worship of prominent German materialists. Their chief idol was the German physiologist Ludwig Büchner, whose magnum opus, Kraft und Stoff (Force and Matter), was regarded by them as a sort of holy book. Their self-contradictory iconoclasm recalls Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky’s novel Besy (The Possessed), in which the protagonist assaults his landowner’s Christian icons with an axe, only to replace them with candle-bedecked lecterns bearing books by Ludwig Büchner, Jacob Moleschott, and Karl Vogt.3 In its German birth-place, the movement had negligible philosophical and political impact. In the Ottoman Empire, however, it struck root among a particularly influential circle of disciples. Although they were an extremely marginal group at the turn of the century, the Young Turks were destined to rule the Islamic caliphate for almost a decade, and then to go on to craft a secular nation-state out of its remains. It was thus by a bizarre twist of fate that the German doctrine of Vulgärmaterialismus came to bear its most significant fruits in a context entirely alien to its original environment, and that a further vulgarized version of its central tenets would in time form one of the ideological pillars of the modern Turkish nation-state.
Atatürk'ün yaptığı bu tespit hâlâ doğru gibi
" .... the Turkish nation resembled those who commit the Qur᾽ān to memory with-out understanding the meaning of a single word of it and thus become senile.”
Sayfa 133Kitabı okudu
İttihat ve Terakki partisinin milli mücadelede bazı faydaları olduğunu iddia ediyor. Gayet mantıklı. "CUP branches turned themselves into Societies for the Defense of National Rights to oppose Allied schemes of partition."
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Sayfa 395 - Bağlam Yayınevi
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