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Carol Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Carol sözleri ve alıntılarını, Carol kitap alıntılarını, Carol en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
"insanlar hep elde edemedikleri şeylere mi âşık olurlar?" diye sordu. "her zaman." carol da gülümsüyordu.
Sayfa 109Kitabı okudu
İnsan Carol'la her şeye gülebilirdi.
Sayfa 68
Her life was a series of zigzags. At nineteen, she was anxious.
"bir daha asla ağlamayacağım" dedi. "ağlayacaksın." bir kibrit çakıldı.
"aynı anda hırsız, yalancı ve şair olmayı öğreniyorum." therese dik aralıklı iskemlede arkadasına yaslanarak başını pencereden giren güneşin sıcaklığına verdi. ve sevmesini, diye ilave etmek isterdi.
...ve kendisinin umutsuzluğu, olmak istediği kişi olamamanın ve o kişinin yapacağı şeyleri asla yapamayacak olmanın umutsuzluğu. tüm yaşamının bir düş olması ve gerçek olanın bu olması mümkün müydü?
Therese sanki bir suç işlerken yakalanmış gibi birden kaskatı kesilmişti. Gözlerini kapatıp telefonu sımsıkı kavrarken dün gördüğü o zeki ve gülümseyen gözleri bir daha gördü.
Sayfa 48
Therese dilekte bulundu. Carol'ı istedi.
Sayfa 97
Something Carol had said once came suddenly to her mind: Every adult has secrets. Said as casually as Carol said everything, stamped as indelibly in her brain as the address she had written on the sales slip in Frankenberg's. She had an impulse to tell Dannie the rest, about the picture in the library, the picture in the school. And about the Carol who was not a picture, but a woman with a child and a husband, with freckles on her hands and a habit of cursing, of growing melancholy at unexpected moments, with a bad habit of indulging her will. A woman who had endured much more in New York than she had in South Dakota. She looked at Dannie's eyes, at his chin with the faint cleft. She knew that up to now she had been under a spell that prevented her from seeing anyone in the world but Carol.
"Ne kadar garip bir kızsın öyle." "Neden?" "Uzaydan gelmiş gibi," dedi Carol.
Sayfa 55
Carol had loved him once, and that was hard to remember.
Happiness was a little like flying, she thought, like being a kite.
“My angel," Carol said. "Flung out of space.”
How was it possible to be afraid and in love... The two things did not go together. How was it possible to be afraid, when the two of them grew stronger together every day? And every night. Every night was different, and every morning. Together they possessed a miracle.
Dearest, There are no accidents, and he would have found us one way or another. Everything comes full circle. Be grateful it was sooner rather than later. You'll think it harsh of me to say so, but no explanation I offer will satisfy you. Please don't be angry when I tell you that you seek resolutions and explanations because you are young. But you will understand this one day. And when it happens, I want you to imagine me there to greet you. Our lives stretched out ahead of us, a perpetual sunrise. But until then, there must be no contact between us. I have much to do, and you, my darling, even more. Please believe that I would do anything to see you happy. So, I do the only thing I can. I release you.
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