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Comemadre Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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Yılda kaç kelime kullanıyoruz? Kimse umursamıyor, ben de öyle ama Encyclopedia Britannica'da bu bilginin yer almaması ilginç. Kimsenin gerçekten dinlemiyor olması belki bir açıklama olabilir.
Failure resides simultaneously in two moments: when the individual establishes a goal, and when that goal is shown to be unattainable or specious. Oscillating between the goal and its ruin, searching for the error (failure is experienced as a defining quality), the individual’s linear sense of time is shattered.
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Otoritenin saygısını kazanmak için önce insanların saygısını kazanmak gerektiğine inanarak küçük tutkuların çatlağını delik deşik ediyorlar (oyun salonları, evlilik hayatı ve Gurian'ın yaptığı eskrimle ilgili birkaç yorum). Dostça göz kırpmalar. Öylesine yüzsüz bir saflıkları var ki hepsinin suratını dağıtmak istiyorum.
Koridorda kanser, kanlı canlı ortada duruyor. Silvia, yeni yüzlerin ilgisini çekmeye çalışıyor. Herkesi selamlıyor; zihinsel hastalığı olan birçok hastada görülen kusursuz bir nezaket.
I reject and am rejected in turn, without even trying.
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I think, in parentheses, about Menéndez. The two curved lines bend toward each other, trapping Menéndez inside my head and my head inside the parentheses . . .
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I tackle the fat skeptically, with diets that last roughly a week, or until I throw in the towel and eat a whole pizza in one sitting. My solitude feels directly connected to my weight. My notion of love is a series of snapshots or jump cuts: I can imagine a first kiss, five minutes of a vacation, an argument easily won—but not the continuity, the boredom, or what to do with the same person, day after day.
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Ferdinand de Saussure
Her değişimde egemen olan şey eski maddenin varlığını sürdürmesidir, geçmişe olan sadakatsizlik yalnızca görecelidir.
I sense the trap inherent to love and its byproducts: give up being what you want, abandon your whims, offer an ear, a shoulder, a hand; offer yourself up entirely and piecemeal to sign on the romantic line, when it’s obviously impossible to love someone all the time. These concessions will be my payment when I’ve got you by the neck and have torn you a few new holes.
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Do you see this shoelace? I’d like to take it and tie your tongue to your uvula, and your uvula to your stomach, and your stomach to your uterus, so that the very first word of your answer leaves you hollow.
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If faith demands that each answer be an epiphany, then the Whole is not unlike this time, this space. Or perhaps our gaze has rested so intently on things that it’s taken on their form, their weight, their duration—immutably: one single habit, one continuous hat wrapping around heads, even across worlds.
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What remains of us as time passes are our words, sure, but in abridged form, crossed out according to the interest they hold for others.
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İlk cümle gibi ilk cümle
There are people who don’t exist, or who barely do, like Ms. Menéndez.
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The child prodigy is a repulsive creature. It can be measured according to the degree of its anomaly, the fence around its isolation: its so-called talent.
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I tell him that monogamy, like all artificial things, is absolutely necessary because man invents only what he needs.
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