Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap

Dollar, #2


Pepper Winters

En Eski Dollars Sözleri ve Alıntıları

En Eski Dollars sözleri ve alıntılarını, en eski Dollars kitap alıntılarını, etkileyici sözleri 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
“The moment we met, our choices were stolen from us. Yours because I’ve decided to control your fate. And mine because you’ve decided to deny me what I want.” He bared his teeth. “One of these days, I’ll know who you are. You will answer my every question, and you will let me inside your mind. It’s an inevitability, not a choice, Pim. You might as well get used to that.” 
Siz mutlu olabilecek misiniz acaba?
“Sometimes, being bad is the only thing you can do to save the good in your life."
Pimlico, Chapter 1
He made it worse. So, so much worse. But then he came back. He stole me. Just in time.
Elder, Chapter 2
My arms ached from carrying her, but I also ached for a different reason. I didn’t like that she was in so much pain.
bu düşünceleri okumak neden beni öldürüyor böyle?
Elder, Chapter 2
A few hours to halt death and keep her in my world? It was a small price to pay.
Melike, sen bu düşünceleri nasıl SAKİN KALARAK OKUYABİLDİN? Elder, öldürecek beni..
Elder, Chapter 2
Her prison included a home with a monster. My prison had included the streets with gangs.
Elder, Chapter 2
She was so bloody strong. I wanted to see how deep that strength went. By the time she woke up, she’d belong to me and the sea. And there was no escape with water as her new prison and me as her new jailer. I’m sorry for what I’m about to do to you, Pim. But you’re mine now.
Elder, Chapter 5
She was one of the strongest women I’d come across, and she hadn’t spoken a word. That sort of strength…it did things to men like me. It made me want to break her and shelter her in equal measure. It set a war in motion between the devil and angel on my shoulders, and only time would tell what part of me would win.
İki yıl boyunca hiçbir seçeneğim olmadan itaat ettim. Neden bir hapishaneyi diğeriyle değiştirmek isteyeyim?
Çünkü bu dünyadaki her şeyin bir bedeli vardı.
Seninle konuşmak mı? Neden? Anlamayacaksın. Yardım etmeyeceksin.
Cesaretin artık bununla hiçbir ilgisi yoktu. Bu bir hayatta kalma meselesiydi.
Savaş. Ya da öl. Artık hayatta kalmak yok. Artık kabullenmek yok.
Kaç, Tasmin. Eve git… Dönecek bir ev olmasa bile. Ne gerekiyorsa yap.
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