Cat and Mouse Duet 2

Hunting Adeline

H.D. Carlton

Hunting Adeline Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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When a word is said so many times, it doesn't even sound like a word anymore. It sounds like gibberish –a sound comprised of pitch and tones that hold no real meaning. A construct that humans have formed to communicate their wants and needs. But what do words f-ing matter when no one listens?
All I want to do is hug her tight and tell her that everything is going to be okay. Not because either of us believes she’s going to survive, but because once she’s gone, she’ll be in a better place than she is now.
Chapter 1
God, is this what being alive feels like? It can't be death. I'd be at peace if it were. And I may have fallen for a stalker, but I'll be damned if I didn't land on a spot within heaven's gate. I fucking earned that shit.
Sayfa 10 - The Diamond
Chapter 2
"I swear to everything that is holy, I will destroy you if you touched my girl."
Sayfa 23 - The Hunter
Chapter 18
and oh look—there it goes. Another piece of my sanity.
Sayfa 203 - The Diamond