Right Wing Women

Andrea Dworkin

Right Wing Women Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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Dissociation from other women is always the safest course. They are not sluttish, but other women who have had abortions probably are. They tried not to get pregnant (birth control being illegal in many parts of the country before 1973), but other women who had abortions probably did not. They love their children, but other women who have had abortions may well be the cold mothers, the cruel mothers, the vicious women. They are individuals of worth and good morals who had compelling reasons for aborting, but the other women who had abortions must have done something wrong, were wrong, are somehow indistinct (not emerged from the primal female slime as individuals), were sex not persons. In keeping the secret they cut themselves off from other women to escape the shame of other women, the shame of being the same as other women, the shame of being female. They are ashamed of having had this bloody experience, of having this female body that gets torn into again and again and bleeds and can die from the tearing and the bleeding, the pain and the mess, of having this body that was violated again, this time by abortion. Admitting to an illegal abortion is like admitting to having been raped: whoever you tell can see you, undress you, spread your legs, see the thing go in, see the blood, watch the pain, almost touch the fear, almost taste the desperation. The woman who admits to having had an illegal abortion allows whoever hears her to picture her—her as an individual in that wretched body—in unbearable vulnerability, as close to being punished purely for being female as anyone ever comes. It is the picture of a woman being tortured for having had sex.
Yüksek Anlam :
. Norman Mailer, altmışlı yıllarda cinsel devrimle ilgili sorunun yanlış insanların eline geçmesi olduğunu belirtti. Haklıydı. Erkeklerin elindeydi. .
"Sağ Kanat Kadınlar"
The male Left abandoned abortion rights for genuinely awful reasons: the boys were not getting laid; there was bitterness and anger against feminists for ending a movement (by withdrawing from it) that was both power and sex for the men; there was also the familiar callous indifference of the sexual exploiter—if he couldn’t screw her she wasn’t real.
Women are brought up to conform: all the rules of femininity—dress, behavior, attitude—essentially break the spirit. Women are trained to need men, not sexually but metaphysically. Women are brought up to be the void that needs filling, the absence that needs presence. Women are brought up to fear men and to know that they must please men and to
The law gives a married woman to her husband to be fucked at will, his will; the law forced the woman to bear any child that might result. Illegal abortion was a desperate, dangerous, last-ditch, secret, awful way of saying no. It is no wonder that so many respectable, married, God-fearing women hate abortion.
“Kadın, zekâsını kullanmanın daha kibar yollarını bulmaya çalışacaktır. Ama zekâ hanım işi değildir. Zekâ aşırılıklarla doludur. Keskin zekâ duygusallıktan tiksinir, ve kadınlar, etraflarındaki erkeklerin dehşetli aptallığına kıymet vermek için duygusal olmak zorundadır. Marazi zekâ, pozitif düşüncenin ve ebedi tatlılığın neşeli günışığından tiksinir; ve kadınlar günışığı ve neşeli ve tatlı olmak zorundadır, aksi halde kadının, rüşvet verir gibi gülücükler dağıtarak günün sonunu getirmesi mümkün olmaz. Yabani zekâ her türlü dar dünyadan tiksinir; ve kadınların dünyası dar kalmalıdır, aksi halde kadın sınır ihlal etmiş olur. Hiçbir kadın, sonunda kendini genelevde veya lobotomi yapılmış bulmaksızın, Nietzsche ya da Rimbaud olamaz. Her hayati zekânın, tutkulu soruları, agresif cevapları vardır; ama kadınlar kâşif olamaz; dişi aklına sahip bir Lewis ya da Clark olamaz.”
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