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Scarlet Stone

Jewel E. Ann

Scarlet Stone Gönderileri

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“If there’s another life after this one, we should make a date.” The corner of his mouth curls a bit. “Food. Small talk. Maybe I say something that makes you grin. Maybe you say something that makes me giggle. Maybe the food is crap so we drink too much wine. Maybe the full moon beckons us to the beach where we walk in the shadows of the night. Maybe you tell me something about yourself. But maybe … just maybe it’s something so honest I can’t help but fall in love with you. And maybe you build me a house and fill it with hundreds of plants and even a dog. I’ve never had a dog.” He cradles my face in his hands as I do his in mine, and we just … breathe in … and breathe out … One. Two. Three. “It’s a date.” He smiles and I cry.”
“Nothing lasts forever. That is the only truth we are guaranteed in life. When someone says they will love you forever, what does that really mean? Then again, what really is love? I think that’s why we’re here. For each of us to discover what love means to us.”
382 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
nilu - Steady Now
Theo gerçekten çok zor bir adamdı. Ona ısınabilmekte kendisi kadar zordu... Zordu ama en sonunda sevdim. Kitabın başındaki *elma* sahnesine rağmen. Konuya Theo'yla girdim çünkü kitabın konusunu anlatmaya başlarsam yine spoi yerine geçecek bir sürü bilgi verirdim. Kitabı okurken yavaş yavaş öğrenilecek şeyleri burada yazarsam bütün tadı gitmiş olur zaten. (Belki altta bir tane söylemiş olabilirim :>) Nedenini bilmediğim (dün gr yorumu yazarken de söylemiştim bunu) bir eksiklik vardı bu kitapta. Şu an bunun nedeninin, herkesin fazla hüzünlü ve plot twist denilen kısmın aslında çokta plot twist havasında olmaması olabileceğini düşünüyorum.. Biraz saçma bir cümle olmuş olabilir... Demek istediğim aslında bomba etkisi yaratması gereken o olayın sadece bir elektrik çarpması olarak kalmasıydı... Kitapta en sevdiğim şeylerden biri Theo'nun duygusallığı, zor sevmesi ama tam sevmesi, sevgisi uğruna yıllardır bilendiği şeyden vazgeçmesi, 'seni seviyorum' demesine gerek kalmaması çünkü sevdiğini gün gibi belli etmesiydi. Scarlet hakkında kötü bir şey söyleyemeyeceğim. Siber hırsız olarak geçirdiği hayatını yumurtalık kanseri olduğu haberini aldıktan sonra bırakıp doğduğu yere dönüyor. Tedaviyi kabul etmiyor, karşı. Tedaviyi kabul etmediği için 6 aylık ömrü kaldı diye biliyor. Bu 6 aylık sürede Theo var işte çokta detaya girmeyeyim. Sonunu da beğendim, genel olarakta beğendim, karakterleri de beğendim... Beğenmediğim o tek şey ne belki ikinci kez okursam anlarım.
Scarlet Stone
Scarlet StoneJewel E. Ann · 20163 okunma
There's not enough skin on my body to let my emotions bleed through for the world to see.
Sayfa 48
Nothing lasts forever. That is the only truth we are guaranteed in life. When someone says they will love you forever, what does that really mean? Then again, what really is love? I think that’s why we’re here. For each of us to discover what love means to us.
Sayfa 114
“Do you think he’s a good choice for you?” “I love him.” “You loved Daniel.” “Not like this.” “And what is this?” “It’s mad love. The kind that makes no sense. The kind that is bigger than anything I’ve ever experienced. The kind that ensnares your soul and never lets go.” “Sounds dangerous.” I nod slowly. “It’s … necessary.”
Sayfa 347
I am only weak if I can’t admit my imperfections.
Sayfa 332
Love is a brutal emotion. That’s how I’m certain, beyond a shadow of doubt, it’s our sole purpose in life. Love is the heartbeat of our existence—the essence of humanity. In every life we try to do it better. Harder. Longer. More completely. Unconditionally. Love is maddening. It robs all reason and leaves us drowning in desperation and fear. Desperate to hold on to everything that makes each breath worth taking. Fearful that the very air that fills our lungs is that love. One cannot live without air. Can one live without love? The reason there is such a fine line between love and hate is because both require a deep emotional investment. Both emotions make us feel very deeply.
Sayfa 332
Some things—certain emotions—cut so deep they become physical wounds to the soul. They bleed into the next life. Words can’t heal. Time can’t erase. At best, love can make them bearable.
Sayfa 313
When all the life inside is gone, there is nowhere to go except in dreams. What happens when dreams die? What happens when the mind can’t find any more stories? What happens when thoughts die before they ever truly form?
Sayfa 309
I suppose the most personal relationships in life eventually live on their own—without words, without explanation.
Sayfa 265
True miracles don’t need to be justified. It’s my truth and that’s all that matters. I will never need anyone to believe me as long as I’m my own living proof.
Sayfa 264
Life doesn’t have an off button, at least not one you can press and still be alive.
Sayfa 267
Fuck it. Life is too short to hold in a single tear, a single laugh, a single breath. Biology is how we exist. Emotions are how we live.
Sayfa 213
Oscar told me to “save the boy.” He said that between right and wrong, life and death, there existed a gray area called love. In his completely fucked-up book of life principles, he insisted that love was boundless, fairness was a flaw of the weak, and morals killed more people than they saved.
Sayfa 168
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