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Science(ish): The Peculiar Science Behind the Movies

Michael Brooks

Science(ish): The Peculiar Science Behind the Movies Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Science(ish): The Peculiar Science Behind the Movies sözleri ve alıntılarını, Science(ish): The Peculiar Science Behind the Movies kitap alıntılarını, Science(ish): The Peculiar Science Behind the Movies en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
spaghettification :)))
By the time you approach event horizon, your feet which are approximately two meter closer to singularity at the heart of black hole, are experiencing a much stronger gravitational pull than your head. And so you are being stretched by what are known as tidal forces. Physicist - the fun one, at least- call it 'spaghettification'. You are being spaghettified, made long and thin, by a black hole.
To create a zombie, you need radical behaviour change, something like what a parasitic fungus called "Ophiocordyceps" achieves. Found in the Brazilian rainforest, the fungus infects ants, releasing a chemical coctail that turns them into tiny automata that have no control over their behaviour. After two days the zombie ants do the will of the fungus: the climb to a particular height where the temperature and humidity are optimal for fungal growth, and latch onto vegetation with mandibles. Once they are fixed, the fungus kill them by releasing a chemical weapon, and then grows a spore-releasing stalk called a stroma out of the back of their heads, so that it can spread itself further.
Sayfa 148 - Atlantic Books - LondonKitabı okudu