Frankenstein by Junji Ito
Everytime I read Junji Ito, I am amazed by his ability to draw and imagination. This collection consists of Frankenstein, Stories of Oshikiri and Ito’s Dog Non-non. My fav part is Frankenstein since the drawings are more detailed and scarier (less scarier than his other mangas). Some stories of Oshikiri bored me but it is ok. As for the translation, it really sucks…You can even see the simplest grammar mistakes. I wish I could add some photos but do not have premium, so…:) And lastly, the cover is also great and has it seat on my library.
"There is a pleasure in the pathless woods; There is a rapture on the lonely shore; There is society,where none intrudes. By the deep sea ,and music in its roar: I love not man the less,but Nature more.."
“The more one is obsessed with God, the less one is innocent. Nobody bothered about him in paradise. The fall brought about this divine torture. It's not possible to be conscious of divinity without guilt. Thus God is rarely to be found in an innocent soul.” - Emil Cioran “Kişi Tanrı'ya ne kadar takıntılıysa, o kadar az masumdur. Cennette kimse onunla ilgilenmedi. Düşüş bu ilahi işkenceyi getirdi. Suçluluk duymadan tanrısallığın bilincinde olmak mümkün değildir. Bu nedenle Tanrı nadiren masum bir ruhta bulunur.” - Emil Cioran
“The more the drive toward life is thwarted, the stronger is the drive toward destruction; the more life is realized, the less is the strength of destructiveness. Destructiveness is the outcome of unlived life.” - Erich Fromm “Yaşamaya yönelik dürtü ne kadar engellenirse, yıkıma yönelik dürtü o kadar güçlü olur; hayat ne kadar çok gerçekleşirse, yıkıcılığın gücü o kadar az olur. Yıkıcılık yaşanmamış hayatın sonucudur.” - Erich Fromm
Dublin Pub'da 3. Black beer ve barmaid Giselle için düştüğüm not
Some questions has no answer. You could'nt find any questions for determined answer. And sometime you had an answer even you did'nt ask. What am i for her? Who i am? Am i less or more? There are no answer for all questions yet. Never had a answer for those questions. Perhaps i was like any person that she was trying to hang out. Just for a moment. İt was like meaningless, simple. But she was not like that. İ liked spring in all seasson. İ liked ctiy across the sea. She was like spring in the city which is across the sea. She was like fresh raining in the begining of the summer. Like harmfull when you back home. She was like home. She knew that. She felt... But she looked for another one who was she changed her habit for him. So, i thought it was'nt me.... İt was'nt me!!! İ was a blind. İ was like stupid just because of love. That is my mistake Giselle. İt was my fault. İ need a forgiveness, and i need a fixed up by humor fingers... Can you take me in your pocket? Oh sorry i have no time to wait for a pity questions. İt will be too late to boarding ship. İt will be too late to go home...
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