Cuando el trago amargo se convierte en trago dulce, todos lo feo y amargo se va. Y vuelve a nacer la alegría que necesitas tener. Necesito ser feliz como alguna vez lo fui en mi vida. Y que todo lo que sufrí y viví, ilusiones y decepciones y falsas promesas. se convierta en felicidad y alegría. Quiero ser feliz hoy y siempre.
The people of misguidance accuse religious scholars of making their learning a means of subsistence. They attack them unfairly, saying: "They are making knowledge and religion a means of livelihood for themselves." It is necessary to show this to be false by action. Letters - 31
Freeman Dyson - Why is the Quantum so Mysterious?
"General relativity and quantum mechanics are the two elements of science that most explain what our world is one the whole universe the other the microstructure of reality and everybody tells me that we've got a integrate these two to make sense out of reality and everybody is trying to do that. Is that really necessary? - I dont think so but of course I'm in the minority there as usual." "We have quantum mechanics which talks about the future which enables us to calculate the probabilities that you want to know when this uranium atom is going to decay. There is no way you can tell. You can calculate the probability. There is one chance in a million that it would have decay by the end of next week or something like that. So that's what quantum mechanics can do and that's all it can do. It's about the future, and probabilities." "Everything you can say with certainty is classical, and there is also quantum world which is not directly observable but is there, and all you can do with it is to use it for calculating probabilities."
That is the mark of hero, Jonah. Not the one who does what is right but the one who does what is necessary. Nazi Hunters
“may the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary..”
“It is necessary to leave the island to see the island. We don't see each other if we don't come out of us.” -Saramago
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