"Oh, I have suffered all my life! My crimes have given me only regret and pain. I hated myself every day. But I was the slave, not the monster! The whole of mankind was against me. I had neither love nor sympathy in my life. I tried to be kind to the human beings. But it happened so that they turned away from me, cursing me for my deformity and ugliness. What could I do when the whole of mankind was against me? I have destroyed my creator's happiness. I have killed his family. Now my crimes have made me worse than any animal. Yes, I am a monster. I have killed many innocent people. I have followed my creator even to his own death. Now he lies before me, dead and cold. I will not hurt anybody now. My revenge is over. I have to sacrifice my own life for all the crimes I had committed. I will leave your ship and find the coldest place in the world. Then I will collect my death fire and lit it with my own hand. I will die. I will no longer feel the pain which hurts me every day. Light, feeling, and pain will pass away quickly. My creator is dead. I have no right to live now. Good-bye! You are the last man who saw me in this world. Good-bye, Frankenstein! I will die in the fire. My ashes will sweep into the sea by the wind..."
Things! Burn them, burn them! Make a beautiful fire! More room in your heart for love, for the trees! For the birds who own nothing—the reason they can fly.
That Little Beast
That pretty little beast, a poem, has a mind of its own. Sometimes I want it to crave apples but it wants red meat. Sometimes I want to walk peacefully on the shore and it wants to take off all its clothes and dive in. Sometimes I want to use small words and make them important and it starts shouting the dictionary, the opportunities. Sometimes I want to sum up and give thanks, putting things in order and it starts dancing around the room on its four furry legs, laughing and calling me outrageous. But sometimes, when I’m thinking about you, and no doubt smiling, it sits down quietly, one paw under its chin, and just listens.
Bu metin İngilizce dilinden otomatik olarak çevirilmiştir. Orjinali Göster
...ahlaki yanlışlık doğal bir tür değildir; ancak bu normatif tür olarak adlandırılabilecek bir şeydir. Yani, ahlaki yanlışlığın özelliği, yanlış olan eylemlerle paylaşılan ve onların gözlemlenen normatif özelliklerini açıklayan, normatif açıdan önemli belirli bir özellik ile tanımlanabilir; bu tür eylemlerden kaçınmak, bunları gerçekleştirenleri eleştirmek vb. için nedenlerimiz olduğu gerçeği.
Sayfa 12
Bu metin İngilizce dilinden otomatik olarak çevirilmiştir. Orjinali Göster
Bu görüşe göre, başkalarına karşı meşrulaştırılabilirlik fikri iki açıdan temel kabul edilmektedir. Birincisi, cinayet ya da ihanet gibi daha spesifik ahlaki kavramların şeklini, başkaları için makul bir şekilde reddedemeyecekleri gerekçesiyle neyin haklı gösterilebileceğini düşünerek belirleriz. İkincisi, bu şekilde haklı gösterilemeyecek eylemlerden kaçınmak için nedenlerimiz olduğu fikri, ahlaki yanlışlığın ayırt edici normatif gücünü açıklamaktadır.
Sayfa 5 - The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Third printing, 2000
CHAPTER 2: Was It a Dream?
"Macro man, however, does not see himself as an animal. He understands that we are constantly creating our selves with every thought we think. He knows that his every cell responds to his every thought, thereby making of him that which he believes himself to be. Macro man knows that he is not the victim of circumstances, but rather the designer of his own destiny, the creator of his own reality. He knows that his life holds only those experiences which he himself chose for his own growth and-"
Sayfa 23 - E-book
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