“Fine,” he finally says. “You know what? Fucking fine. I’ll leave.” “Good.” “I’ll leave,” he says, and he turns back and leans in, “as soon as you tell me to leave.” “Alex.”
Sayfa 215 - rip zülal
Sometimes I think I keep coming because, no matter how many places I’ve been or people I’ve met or books I read, this place is proof I’ll never learn it all. It’s like Westminster: You can look at every individual carving or pane of stained glass and know there’s this wealth of stories there, that everything was put in a specific place for a reason. Everything has a meaning, an intention. There are pieces in here— The Great Bed of Ware, it’s mentioned in Twelfth Night, Epicoene, Don Juan, and it’s here. Everything is a story, never finished. Isn’t it incredible? And the archives, God, I could spend hours in the archives, they— mmph.” He’s cut off mid-sentence because Alex has stopped in the middle of the corridor and yanked him backward into a kiss. “Hello,” Henry says when they break apart. “What was that for?” “I just, like.” Alex shrugs. “Really love you.”
Sayfa 224 - :'c
You see, for me, memories are difficult. Very often, they hurt. A curious thing about grief is the way it takes your entire life, all those foundational years that made you who you are, and makes them so painful to look back upon because of the absence there, that suddenly they’re inaccessible. You must invent an entirely new system.
Sayfa 233
“What?” Henry shouts over the noise when he sees the look on Alex’s face. “My life is cosmic joke and you’re not a real person,” Alex says, wheezing. “What?” Henry yells again. “I said, you look great, baby!”
“You are,” he says, “the absolute worst idea I’ve ever had.” Henry’s mouth spreads into a slow smile, and Alex kisses it.
Sayfa 288 - birinin en kötü fikri olmak... nasip olur mu
“Make eye contact with the turkey. Do you have it?” Alex follows Henry’s instructions in his ear, planting his feet and bending his knees so he’s at Cornbread’s eye level, a chill running down his spine when his own eyes lock on the beady, black little murder eyes. “Yeah.” “Right, now hold it,” Henry says. “Connect with the turkey, earn the turkey’s trust . . . befriend the turkey . . .” “Okay . . .” “Buy a summer home in Majorca with the turkey . . .” “Oh, I fucking hate you!”
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