Andrew Boyd

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En Eski Andrew Boyd Sözleri ve Alıntıları

En Eski Andrew Boyd sözleri ve alıntılarını, en eski Andrew Boyd kitap alıntılarını, etkileyici sözleri 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Eğer sanat gerçekten dünyayı şekillendirecek bir çekiç ise alet edevatı kuşanmanın zamanı gelmiş demektir.
The old concepts of war were transformed. Instead of troops marching across a frontier, nuclear missiles could now be sent to strike an enemy thousands of miles away.
During the 1960s both the Soviet Union and the United States developed and deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) whose range of over 6,000 miles made it possible for them to strike each other across the Arctic (77). Both of them sent missile-firing sub-marines out into the oceans (Britain and France soon followed this example). The Soviet arsenal included intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs), capable of hitting western Europe, China or Japan; China was not slow to respond by targeting Soviet cities with IRBMs (by the 1980s it was deploying ICBMs). As well as ballistic missiles (high-trajectory missiles moving at bullet-like speed), America built ‘cruise’ missiles – sophisticated devel-opments of the German V-1 ‘pilotless planes’ used against London in 1944 – which could find their targets by map-reading.
A story of fearful madness
All nuclear reactors produce plutonium, which can be used to make atomic bombs – but only after reprocessing. Bombs can also be made with highly enriched uranium. However, both methods require the construction of special installations. By 1996 most of the coun-tries that had the necessary advanced technology had signed the NPT and accepted IAEA ‘safeguards’; nuclear-armed China and France, after long resistance to the NPT, had accepted it. Argentina, Brazil and South Africa had abandoned their attempts to make atomic bombs; in 1992, Argentina and Brazil accepted the 1967 Tlatelolco Treaty (74). But there was still cause for concern about some countries that were rated as ‘near-nuclear’. In the 1990s, India, Israel and Pakistan were still rejecting the NPT, and (despite off i cial denials) it was believed that they had made much progress towards acquiring nuclear arsenals. India had staged a test explosion in 1974, claiming that it had only ‘peaceful purposes’ in mind, and carried out further tests in 1998. These prompted Pakistan to conduct its own tests the same year, expanding formal membership of the ‘nuclear club’ to seven. In 2006 the US and France signed agreements with India allowing for the transfer of ‘civilian’ nuclear technology. India accepted IAEA inspection of ‘civilian’ nuclear facilities – but it did not agree to limit future weapon production, allow monitoring of ‘military’ facilities, or sign the NPT . Israel is not known to have carried out tests, but it is thought that Israel has completed the bomb-making process and has constructed a number of weapons in an effort to discourage attack by its larger neighbours.
Caucasus - Nagorno/Karabakh
In the Caucasian regions, violent conf l icts between national groups had begun before the Soviet Union broke up. The Muslims of Azerbaijan and the Christians of Armenia were virtually at war by 1990; the fi ghting had started in 1988 in Nagorno-Karabakh, a mainly Armenian-peopled hill area in Azerbaijan. Until 1991, Azerbaijan, still ruled by hard-line communists, had support from Moscow, but in 1992 the tide turned in the Armenians’ favour. When international mediation helped to stop the war in 1994, they held nearly all of Nagorno-Karabakh and all the territory between it and Armenia. But 400,000 Armenians had had to fl ee from Azerbaijan, and Armenia had had to let in some Russian troops, who watched over its Turkish frontier. (The Turks, sympathizing with Turkic Azerbaijan although reluctant to get too involved, closed their frontier with Armenia during the war.)
Ukraine - Russia / Crimea
Ukraine’s inability to pay for the oil and gas it needed enabled the Russians to apply pressure, culminating in a cutoff of gas supplies in 2006 when Ukraine refused to pay a price closer to market value. Though the dispute was quickly resolved, it highlighted EU dependence on Russian energy supplies, because the same pipelines supply both Ukraine and western Europe. Sharp disputes arose over the Crimea. In 1954 it had been transferred from Russian to Ukrainian control. Its Tatar inhabitants had been deported to central Asia in 1945; after Stalin’s death many tried to return home, but found no welcome. In 1991, 75% of its population of 2.7 million was Russian; the 1990s saw the return of 200,000 Tatars from central Asia. Ukraine granted Crimea autonomy; but its parliament called for independence – which would really mean a return to rule by Russia. In particular, Russia wanted control of the Sevastopol naval base (the objective of the Franco-British forces in the Crimean War of 1853–6). The former Soviet Black Sea fl eet lay there – rusting – while Russia contested Ukraine’s demand for a share of it. This was gained in 1997, when Ukraine agreed to a twenty-year Russian lease of the naval base.